Education/Telecon 2018-03-14

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Notes, March 22 : Summer Workshop Planning Computing in the Classroom - coding, gadgets, and STEM Wednesday July 20th

Tuesday, is off the table. Wednesday is the new option. Plenary? Extended workshop: From Plenary to “Research as Art” Wednesday, all day

ESIP Education is proud to offer a 1-day workshop focusing on computer tools that facilitate data exploration. Most of these tools function on a level above just computer programming yet employ similar critical thinking skills and enable digital data manipulation to achieve specific results.

Description for teachers: Fun & play To participate fully, bring your laptop (tablets won’t work). You won’t need to install any software: we’ll be working in a browser.

hands-on workshop combines some simple computer coding (no experience necessary)

Examples from NSTA:

Morning - Plenary Decide if any portion of the plenary may be of interest to educators.

11:30 - Welcome and setting the stage 11:45 - Coding – Becky Reid (Will integrate some mixer activities to foster introductions) 1:00 - LUNCH w/ the teachers Introductions @ lunch

2:00 – Coding up Gizmos - Kalo Haslem 3:30 – Break 4:00 – Mini-ignite Smorgasbord - Shelley (Velocity Viewer), Margaret (GOES-16 Virtual Science Fair), LuAnn (Climate Explorer and Data Snapshots), Bob Downs (SEDAC Map Viewer ) Shelley & LuAnn - UCAR drone materials [we will invite esip-all to share their tools] 5:00 – Integrate into your teaching (working together) + Drone raffle 5:20 - Evaluation and wrap-up 5:30 - Adjourn

March 2018 Attendees: Becky Reid Kalo Haslem LuAnn Dahlman Carla McAuliffe Shelley Olds Alan Gould Robert Downs

Agenda 1. Housekeeping / news from Program committee -- Summer 2018 Meeting Call for Sessions is OPEN (USE THIS LINK to start your submission. By April 30) -- trip reports (enter tool: ; reports posted here: ) -- budget / request for funds -- 3-5 slide summary of Ed Comm (due end May) -- 20th Anniversary Planning Visioneers Call will be March 28th - they want input! 2. Summer workshop planning

   Budget aspects 

3. Reminder to advertise the Out To Lunch Webinars - When, the day before? A few days before?

   -- Schedule: video and info posted here: 

4. Splitting FUNding Friday for Teachers as separate category

Discussion: Take notes here:

Action items (eg to do)

Save to next month: 4. Splitting FUNding Friday for Teachers as separate category Shelley or Margaret- to send Carla the Out to Lunch announcment to post to NESTA eNews Carla - to place Out to Lunch announcement into NESTA eNews Margaret - sending Doodle- pole for summer workshop planning ; reapply EER funds to ESIP Ed workshop instructor travel; Shelley/LuAnn/Becky/Margaret/Bob - to watch video from Kalo on cool programmable objects Margaret - to work on summer workshop submission to ESIP + a catchier title

Discussion: 1. Housekeeping / news from Program committee -- Summer 2018 Meeting Call for Sessions is OPEN (USE THIS LINK to start your submission. By April 30) -- Trip reports (enter tool: (this is being updated slightly - reports will be posten online; reports posted here: ) -- budget / request for funds -- 3-5 slide summary of Ed Comm (due end May) -- 20th Anniversary Planning Visioneers Call will be March 28th - they want input!

2. Summer workshop planning

   Budget aspects 
   Follow up webinars? 
   Post workshop - NESTA webinar on Summer workshop 

Resources: Carla recommends this version of ImageJ: Week 2 is an introduction to ImageJ.

Theme: Computing in the classroom (needs a catchier title)

Presenters: data, tools, and

Bob - theme this year? Shelley - Computing in the classroom is the theme Kalo - started with simple (drones) ; maybe bring a device they could code; big picture current projects in the real world ;

Alan - coding/creating a macro - software is a tool ; start w/ basics (pre-macro); basics on how to use ImageJ applied to ES; then create (show then create?) a macro - (v. brief primer on how to use ImageJ as a basic image processor for an Earth Science application before launching into the macro creation function. )

Carla - IMAGEJ course - from TERC - show one or two exciting things - then show how macro make things more efficient -- don’t need to have complete tool skills

Becky - agree - give a teaser on the cool thing you can do - then example

Carla - give them a reason to get into the macro - to make quickly (not doing xyz multiple times)

Kalo - then turn it into something practical - students collect data to run the macro on (like take some photos) - simplistic - becomes worth my time (teacher’s time) to use this in many different ways… and students can do this (fly the drone/ balloon) - project based learning

Shelley - seeing a sequence

Bob - good if could see different applications - could do something similar with a different tool --

Shelley - SIFT?

Storymaps? LuAnn - showing how to do Web Map services ; coding light Becky - use for project maps for students Carla - two tools sound good to me - no more -

Shelley - Does this show - What is data and where does it come from Carla - or could this be after - to show how to put into a story map? Ex change over time … then graphically display that?

Kalo - they (imagej and storymaps) are two separate things - that can support each other - they don’t have to be together.

Carla - don’t need to go into the uber technical - vector vs raster - Becky - something they can do themselves Kalo - How it works, what it can do, then break out approach? Enough to do something with it…

LuAnn - Arduino? Tools? Oz bot? Kalo - Robot PD - Parallax in April - Block coding oriented… Carla - if we go that route - for everyone - basic notion of coding - Shelley - Kalo - have oz bots x 18 ; makey makey x 5 - students made games + programs

Becky - is this too much? LuAnn - in the past we presented 6 more tools - with 3 I think we could manage… Becky - we want them to walk away with something they can use Carla - goal : raise the awareness and passion about coding ; not necessary about the specific tool - to inspire to learn more and share more with their kids LuAnn - introduction to all three things - broadening the ones they go to… Becky - present three things - then they choose gets hands on on one or two Carla - inspiring

Carla - internet connection? Becky - usually very good Carla - what if - Zoom session - recording the session - and they can recorded - as separate pieces Shelley - student fellow - could

Kalo - video how to that Kalo made:

3. Reminder to advertise the Out To Lunch Webinars - When, the day before? A few days before? -- Schedule: video and info posted here: April 11 - Story Maps - LuAnn Dahlman April 25 - ImageJ - Carla McAuliffe May 9 - SIFT - Scott Lindstrom May 23 - ESIP Education Summer Workshop

-- NESTA on Facebook - now is good (Shelley: send to Carla - NESTA enews for tomorrow) -- SCICO (Science teachers listserv in Colorado) -- ESPRIT (NY Earth Science teachers) -- Earth to Class (Bob Downs - Michael Passow - can tell someone there to post)

4. Splitting FUNding Friday for Teachers as separate category

/end March