Education/Telecon 2014-09-17
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
< Education
Revision as of 19:07, October 13, 2014 by Wxkylenelson (talk | contribs)
Participants: Roberta J.; Erin R.; Kyle N.; Alan G.; Margaret M.; Robert D.
September 17, 2014, Education Committee
2:30pm Eastern
New Business
- Discussion of proposed budget and consensus Draft ESIP Education Committee Budget Proposal August 2014
- Discussion of plans for NESTA/ESIP workshop at fall NSTAs
- Contacts/interest from: Tamara Ledley, Lin Chambers, Lisa Drew and Emily Law
- ESIP Community Responses to Fall NSTA Resource Request
- Discussion of survey concept from Alan Gould
- Interest in having an education breakout session at the Winter meeting?
Other Business
Meeting Minutes
New Business
- Discussion of proposed budget and consensus Draft ESIP Education Committee Budget Proposal August 2014
- Erin: Budget should be wrapped up by end of Sept; Budget finalized by early October.
- FY is defined as Oct 1 through end of following Sept.
- Margaret: Different levels of support to NESTA, which one is Education Committee at? What does funding include? Would like to see details for what budget includes.
- Roberta: Funding helps fund shipping of supplies and resources to/from conferences, conference workshops, etc.
- NESTA proposals are due in January so these differ from our fiscal cycle. Workshops that occur in subsequent fall and spring would need to be included in 2015 budget.
- Spring 2015 and Fall 2014 are taken care of right now. Deadline for submitting Spring 2016 is in Spring 2015.
- When does NESTA get the money? Some time before June but it is within appropriate budget year.
- Discussion of plans for NESTA/ESIP workshop at fall NSTAs
- Separate budget item? Roberta has created a separate budget item.
- Strongly suggested to keep NESTA leader travel to ESIP conference to share about educational opportunities with ESIP members
- Suggested keep honoraria for teacher coaches and community members. If we have a lead teacher in this effort (e.g. co-facilitator), an budgeted award of $100 was suggested.
- Can use ESIP WebEx to reduce costs of using alternate training platforms and software.
- Is there funding for a teacher workshop? We did the web seminar during the Summer meeting but that cost next to nothing (used existing ESIP WebEx resources)
- If we use WebEx
- We do have survey capability
- We could do certificate creation for webinar attendees
- Designed to be a summer session but we don't have to do it that way.
- But would teachers attend a webinar during the summer? During the school year?
- Some have had success in the past offering summer web seminars (e.g. astronomy)
- Possible in-person teacher workshop? (if funding available)
- Members within ESIP community would have a chance to share their resources more widely with teachers.
- Next step: Roberta will revise budget.
- Separate budget item? Roberta has created a separate budget item.
- Contacts/interest from: Tamara Ledley, Lin Chambers, Lisa Drew (Alaska) and Emily Law
- ESIP Community Responses to Fall NSTA Resource Request
- Lisa: Not very data intensive. Focus may be too Alaska centric. Need followup for more detail
- Tamara: Earth Exploration Toolkit and CLEAN
- Lin: MyNASA Data resources - very data rich
- Emily: Need followup for more detail
- Bob: The CHANGE Viewer provides capabilities for accessing, visualizing, and analyzing SEDAC data and is easily installable on Windows and Mac machines. Information about the CHANGE Viewer is accessible from [Link] URL, which also contains classroom activities for various focus areas. Currently the Launch CHANGE Viewer link on that site is not working correctly, but the CHANGE Viewer is downloadable directly from the the [Link] URL.
- Roberta thinks we can realistically do/choose 2 presentations
- Roberta suggests Lin, Tamara and Bob's presentations.
- ESIP Community Responses to Fall NSTA Resource Request
- Educator Challenge (budget item)
- Not much progress has been made so funds are still available. Must be reallocated for next year's budget - not a guarantee. Should still include it in next FYs budget.
- Several concerns we have a full year with projects discussed already and perhaps leave it as a tentative item.
- Margaret: Request for funding for teacher workshop at ESIP summer meeting using funds from Educator Challenge.
- Short write-up for a teacher workshop in 2015 Education budget request Margaret is asking for 7K which would cover support for two ESIP members to organize and conduct the summer workshops and support for teachers to attend the summer conference for 2 days: a 1-day workshop the day before the plenaries and the first full day (and poster session) of the summer conference, noting that NOAA has already funded teacher registrations.
- No names on the lead instructor or assistant instructor but Margaret is willing to take the lead.
- SACNAS (budget item)
- Funding has been scaled back to support one graduate student at $1000 to present a poster
- Discussion of survey concept from Alan Gould
- Draft Survey Ideas
- Still a struggle for ESIP folks to know that the Education committee can assist with helping to promote their educational tools and enhance their outreach efforts.
APPROVED FY 2014 Education Committee Budget
Webinar Recording
Webinar Link: [Webinar Stream]
Minutes respectfully submitted by Kyle Nelson, ESIP Student Fellow - Education Committee