Education/Telecon 2013-10-08

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
< Education
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Participants: Roberta Johnson, Bob Downs, Alan Gould, Margaret Mooney, Patricia Reiff, Becky Reid, Erin Robinson, Carol Meyer

1. Budget Proposal and Discussion

  • Brainstorming of Budget Items
  • NSTA (ePlanetarium booth - shared space for ESIP partners); NESTA also has a booth and other activities at the national NSTA (Alan & Pat)
  • NESTA has a new affiliation structure (professional development activities; other engagement tools - workshops, newsletters, events, etc.); need to bring teachers together with larger geoscience community; will have a partner leadership conference to bring together geoscientists & teacher leaders; Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum - Roberta suggesting Silver level for ESIP; Opportunity for ESIP Education Committee participants to be engaged more directly with teacher community; can scale up what ESIP is doing - extend its reach (Roberta)
  • SACNAS awards - student geoscience posters (one undergraduate - $500 and one graduate - $1000); graduate award would allow them to come to Winter ESIP meeting to present poster (Pat & Becky)
  • Conference registration fees for teacher registrations at summer ESIP meeting (20 @ $200/teacher or $30 @ $200/teacher) = $4000-6000 (Margaret)
  • Teacher challenge; 'best teacher' award (Becky & Erin)
  • Action: All budget information submitted to Roberta by Oct. 18. Please include description and ties to ESIP strategic planning goals.

2. Gearing Up for Winter Meeting (Jan. 8-10, 2014)

  • ESIP meeting theme is focused on Celebrating 15 Years of Making Data Matter
  • Would the 'challenge' idea be a vehicle for exposing education activities to the broader ESIP community

Action: Reach out to Ethan McMahon & Emily Law to help with challenge scoping/definition for launch at ESIP Winter Meeting (Erin)

  • Possible speakers: David Herring, NOAA
  • Embedding/Infiltration into other sessions

Action: Roberta to report out during Executive Committee to find synergy with other technical sessions

3. Other Business

  • NSTA Plans - use e-Planetarium space
  • Consider submitting a session proposal to NSTA