Education/Telecon 2012-06-28
ESIP Education Committee Meeting Minutes June 28, 2012 (Teleconference)
Attendance: Becky Reid, Chair LuAnn Dahlman Bruce Caron Alan Gould Bob Downs Meixia Deng, Vice Chair Margaret Mooney Eugene _______ Erin Robinson
Summer Meeting All is falling into place for the summer meeting, which starts at 8:30 am on Tuesday July 17th.
iPad loans Thanks to our NASA GCCE project, CIMSS is launching an "IPad Library" at the 2012 ESIP Teacher workshop. G6-12 teachers will have the opportunity to borrow an iPad for the entire school year!
Dinner and a movie on Tuesday evening Thanks to support from NOAA, we will be showing a new movie Tuesday evening called Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time and EVERYONE IS INVITED. It's a 73 minute film with a few slow parts but most is interesting and inspiring, there is even a cameo appearance by Dr. Jane Lubchenco! And, I can buy a few ESIP-ED folks dinner. Please let me know if you can join us.
Proposed modification of ESIP Education budget
Margaret Mooney proposed that we use money already allocated to ESIP educational outreach in order to fund two “ESIP Teacher Fellows”. The Teacher Fellows would be recruited and selected from the teachers attending next month's summer meeting in Madison, WI. Our current education budget allocates $7,000 to fund someone to participate in or give a presentation at a regional science teacher conference. Margaret suggested that we allocate $3,000 (of the $7,000) to fund two teachers at $1500 each, to cover travel and expenses. This fits with one of the overall goals of the Education committee—to develop teacher leaders.
The group discussed the role of the Teacher Fellows, funding, sustainability, and fit with the ESIP Education Committee goals. Following is a summary of what was discussed and decided by the meeting attendees. Anyone from the Education committee who did not make the June meeting should add comments to the Education page of the ESIP wiki or contact Becky Reid (Education Committee Chair) directly at
Teachers who wish to be ESIP Teacher Fellows would be asked to submit proposals at the summer meeting listing the benefits of being an ESIP Teacher Fellow to themselves and other teachers. They would also be asked to describe how their participation as an ESIP Teacher Fellow is in alignment with the goals of the ESIP Education committee. The education committee expects to select the two teacher fellows at he July Education Meeting (Teleconference).
Teacher Fellows would receive $500 immediately after they are selected, another $500 when they register for a regional teacher conference, and a final $500 when they attend the summer 2013 meeting.
Teacher Fellows would be expected to: 1. Participate in (and/or deliver a presentation) a regional science teacher conference, such as a regional NSTA, NESTA, a state teacher's conference, or a similar conference within the selected teacher's general regional area. 2. Participate in and contribute to the ESIP teacher wiki, including the contribution of lesson plan(s), starting and maintaing conversational threads, or contributing to the wiki in some other meaningful way. 3. Attend the 2013 ESIP summer meeting, to share their experiences as an ESIP teacher fellow and help recruit other teachers to be Fellows the next year. (Provided that the ESIP Education Committee can fund another year of Teacher Fellows or other funding can be secured to continue the funding.)
The Next ESIP Education meeting will be Thursday, July 19 at 11:00 Pacific, 12:00 Mountain, 1:00 Central, 2:00 Eastern. If you are attending the ESIP Summer meeting in Madison, join us live!
Bring budget proposals for the next fiscal year to the meeting, or submit written proposals to The Education Committee Chair (Becky Reid: