Earth Science Data Analytics/2015-5-21 Telecon

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ESDA Telecon notes – 5/21/15

Known Attendees:

ESIP Host (Erin Robinson), Steve Kempler, Robert Downs, Chung-lin Shie, Tiffany Mathews, Brand Niemann, Joan Aron, Soren(?), Suhung Shen



1. ESDA Use Cases

2. Summer Meeting Planning – 2 Sessions scheduled:

- Teaching Science Data Analytics Skills, and the Earth Science Data Scientist (

- The Need for Earth Science Data Analytics to Facilitate Community Resilience (and other applications) (

3. Open Mic


None, this time.

Use Case Information:


Thank you all for attending. Making progress...

At this telecon, we continued our discussion on locating ESDA Use Cases. Brand provided several links from which we can glean use cases specific to Earth science. This led to a discuss regarding the various ways 'Data Analytics' is used. On one level it is used as an abstract term that encompasses situations that demonstrate concepts and thus, needed capabilities to examine/analyze datasets, and/or co-analyze heterogeneous datasets. On another level, the term data analytics is refers to the actual implementation of specific tools (logic) to solve a particular problem to provides results that yields a better understanding towards solving the problem. Whereas the former interpretation addresses more strategic questions like 'Return of Investment', and whip gets the most value for efforts expended on Big Data Initiatives, the latter interpretation, in terms of Earth science data analytics, would be one of greater interest to information tool developers, providers, and users (users=researchers). Other discussion inputs include: Need to find best ways to use data; Need ways to create datasets tools that work with all data; Need to communicate and share available tools.

Summer Cluster Planning

We will have two cluster session at the summer meeting:

1. Teaching Science Data Analytics Skills, and the Earth Science Data Scientist (

We will have 4 speakers, who will provide their experiences in being, or needing, a Data Scientist in their work. The goal of this session is to discuss and extract real project data scientist/analytics experience needs, initiated by presentation and discussed by session participants. Of special interest is bringing together people who have needs for data scientists (data analytics) and will be able to articulate those needs by the end of the session, and/or; stir ideas: for the use of data analytics in their research or to build tools/services for others.


Wade Bishop, School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee

Peter Fox, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Tetherless World Constellation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Lewis McGibbney, Computer Science for Data Intensive Systems Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Karen Stocks, Director, Geological Data Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

2. The Need for Earth Science Data Analytics to Facilitate Community Resilience (and other applications) (

This cluster session will review our current work (for new participants), followed by discussion on the extent of social, economic, and environmental issues, as well as science research, in which the advancement of Earth science data analytics have had an impact. The goal of this discussion is to gain sufficient information to categorize how Earth science data analytics has come to be used in our society, and identify use cases that exemplify this


As of this moment, the following Data Analytics related session abstract have been proposed to the AGU:

  • Advanced Information Systems to Support Climate Projection Data Analysis

Gerald L Potter, Tsengdar J Lee, Dean Norman Williams, and Chris A Mattmann

  • Big Data Analytics for Scientific Data

Emily Law, Michael M Little, Daniel J Crichton, and Padma A Yanamandra-Fisher

  • Big Data in Earth Science – From Hype to Reality

Kwo-Sen Kuo, Rahul Ramachandran, Ben James Kingston Evans. and Mike M Little

  • Big Data in the Geosciences: New Analytics Methods and Parallel Algorithms

Jitendra Kumar and Forrest M Hoffman

  • Geophysical Science Data Analytics Use Case Scenarios

Steven J Kempler, Robert R Downs, Tiffany Joi Mathews, and John S Hughes

  • Partnerships and Big Data Facilities in a Big Data World

Kenneth S Casey and Danie Kinkade

  • Towards a Career in Data Science: Pathways and Perspectives

Karen I Stocks, Lesley A Wyborn, Ruth Duerr, and Lynn Yarmey

Next Telecon:

Thursday, June 18, 2015, 3:00 EST


1. Summer Cluster Planning - Discuss outline (to soon be provided)

2. Open Mic


Active Participants - Review Use Case document and provide feedback. Insert 3 use cases each. Due: By next telecon: May 14.

All - Please e-mail Steve ( with comments/suggestions on cluster topics by next telecon

All Other Participants - E-mail Steve ( so you can be an Active Participant Soon. But don't need to be an Active Participant to review use please do

BTW, my e-mail is: