ESIP Partnership Telecon (1PM EDT)

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Telecon: Monday February 29 1:00 - 2:00PM EDT Call In Details:
Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (669) 224-3412
Access Code: 685-996-181


  1. Introductions/Welcome
  2. Review of Partnership roles and responsibilities
  3. Review of any outstanding activities
    • 'Code of Conduct' for ESIP
    • New Member Packet
  4. Brainstorm ideas for this year, and prioritize Partnership activities
    • Wrap up Welcome Packet
    • New Member Welcome Telecon (details?)
    • Mapping Membership Landscape (Type Reps/Semantics Cluster)
      • FUNding Friday output (1000+ potential new partners)
      • Poster at Summer Meeting?
  5. Potential Applications Coming In
    • iMicrobe (Bonnie Hurwitz)
    • Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (Lauren Showelter)

Meeting Minutes / Other Notes

Present: Erin, Danie, Ann, Lindsay

Introductions- Already know e/o

Run through of Agenda-

Danie: spoke with Erin on roles and responsibilities of this committee. Basic roles include review of membership applications, identify potential new members, welcome new members. Looking at potential activities, there are some unfinished from the last committee: new membership packet needs review of gaps and some copy edit to update links, etc. It should also include a letter from the ESIP President. Also 'Code of Conduct' document needs completion (this could go into packet)

ACTION: Danie to reach out to Emily on general welcome letter for new ESIP members
Additional possible areas of activity include: new member telecon, mapping of the landscape

Erin: 'Mapping of the landscape' is not a mapping activity per se; it's more of an evaluation of ESIP membership and will involve a survey- who should be a member but are not.

The EC Engagement Comm is mapping the landscape and ESIP could contribute to that effort.

Looking at the Vision/Mission Document from 2015:
Ann: Is the Vision/Mission in this doc binding? The ESIP part, yes; the Partnerships part, not biding. Erin sees this committee's role as more strategic direction with the staff conducting the outreach. This could be a shared committee with representation from the Board, making it a joint ESIP committee. All agreed this would be advantageous for setting strategic direction and prioritizing. So, we should revise the 2015 document. Erin pointed us to a template for creating Collaboration Area Strategic Plans. This has been linked to the main Partnership wiki page. Perhaps this should be our first order of business?

Lindsay: how does this committee currently reach out to its standing membership?

Erin: This committee could have an expanded role, including thinking more strategically about how ESIP connects to other groups. This group hasn't ever recruited before, but the last round of applicants came in after the application window closed (December/January). This was slow to organically arise and created some anxiety on growth and membership. Should we recruit and if so, how? Input from the board on ESIP's desire to grow, its growth rate and scope of membership would be helpful.

Membership types are not always hard and fast. We could ask if the membership types are still relevant as they exist now.

What's the implication of the type representations? Members are binned upon joining. This helps in identifying equal representation among efforts and committees with in ESIP, but everyone agreed that it's sometimes difficult to identify which type a new member belongs in (both Ann and Lindsay expressed some difficulty in discerning the appropriate "type" for their organization).

Does the application form need clearer language to help self identify as a particular type? We could work on this.

Not all the types are consistently engaged across ESIP. Data Facilities seem to be; perhaps because the CDF co-locates its meetings with ESIP's. What are the benefits to membership for the different types? Perhaps this group could help glean this information from ESIP members. Erin indicated this type of question could be rolled into the membership survey.

Are there new members in need of review now? None that have fully completed and submitted their application, although there are several who have partially completed their application.

Standard Procedure for application review:

  • Applications are forwarded to the entire committee (looks to screen heavily commercial entities who would just be coming to ESIP to advertise or push a product)
  • Chair reviews first and gathers any omitted information
  • Committee reviews and then posts to the wiki for 30 day assembly review
  • voting lasts for 30 days.
  • TYPES:
    • I Data facilities
    • II Products and Services (research sector)
    • III Earth Science Application Providers (commercial orgs)
    • IV Financial Sponsors
    • V In-kind supporters (non-voting)

Usually Spring Membership Window closes in May, but we may want to move this up to March, so that applications can be posted for review and vote before the summer meeting. Typically, no one is ever turned away for membership, and we should not worry about membership scope (i.e., domain within or without of geosciences- bio-informatics are welcomed)

Erin indicated there are still short term activities that the committee should be focused on while the new role is still being formed, e.g., the welcome package

Regular date/time was decided as third Monday at 1PM EDT. This puts our next meeting at 21 March.

Action Items

  1. All- read through Partnership Documents; be ready to discuss any relevant changes at next meeting:
    1. 2015 Partnership Strategic Plan
      1. latest template for 2016 Strategic Plan (to be filled in)
    2. New Member Welcome Packet
    3. ESIP_Code_of_Conduct (could be rolled into New Member Packet)
  2. Danie to contact Emily for New Member Welcome letter
  3. Erin to ping on partial applicants to complete application
  4. Erin to provide ESIP 1-pager for use in Partnership activities (to be linked on the Partnership wiki page)
  5. Follow-up with potential applicants (Danie had two inquiries at Ocean Sciences)?

See Also
