ESIP Education Summer Workshop May 24

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Participants: Shelley Olds, LuAnn Dahlman, Dan Zalles, Preston Lewis, Margaret Mooney, Johanna Bozuwa

Preparing Educators for Workshop

  • Send around 4 videos to participants beforehand. “Learn how to fly!” Shelley has pulled together a few and put them in the google drive About Drones> Learn how to Fly. She will come up with a short list to propose and others can watch and provide input.
  • Margaret will send out the workshop agenda once it is finished. LuAnn will do another edit and then send around for approval from the group.
  • Dan will work on the Pre-Workshop survey. Most all of the teachers have taken the webinars and therefore a survey (to keep in mind for the pre-workshop survey).

Timeframe: Drone Aerodynamics (CANNOT call Flight School)

  • New Agenda here: Get their hands on the drone for an hour, listen to cool samplers, then start flying again.
  • 9-10 first aero, 10-10:30 break, 10:30-11:30 sampler, 11:30 second aero
  • Will be pairing experienced pilots with inexperienced, moving around as necessary.
  • Unknown as to if it will be held inside or outside
  • Ask an educator who was listening to the webinar to present on Safety and Data collection. Must identify who.

Drone Logistics

  • The coordinators should bring the drones that ESIP provided. You can hold onto them if you believe it will be useful. Don’t forget to practice with your drone before the workshop!
  • Drones must be ordered by mid-June to arrive by Monday, July 18 in Durham.
  • Shelley will send extra information on the new barometer drones after flying her new one. She will then provide details on what ESIP should order.
  • 15 drones should be ordered that are under $100 each.
  • ESIP will decide where to send the drones, since they will be making the order. If necessary, Preston will check with family in the area to store them until the workshop.
  • Preston to look into providing orange cones to create “exclusionary zones”

Workshop Follow up

  • Post- workshop survey: Dan and LuAnn to set time to discuss offline. Margaret to send previous post-workshop surveys for review.
  • Social Media engagement: facebook group, snapchat, etc. We can pose the question, “We want you to stay involved. How can we support you in that?”

Sample Activities & EBook B

  • y next call (June 7, 2PM), everyone should go through their respective activity and identify caveats or places for additional explanation.
  • payload, spatial density: LuAnn
  • satellite images: Margaret
  • GLOBE land cover: Preston
  • slide 38: Shelley
  • land cover & temperature/ “what else to do” suggestions: Dan
  • eBook primarily for students with potential 2nd version/addendum for educators. The addendum could be a way to keep educators involved.