ESC 2011 11 21

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Earth Science Collaboratory Telecon - 21 Nov 2011

Plan for ESC Charrette

Start off with superset of topics, then downselect... Start off with topics

Goals for the Charrette

  • Engage more active workers on the ESC
  • Use cases /scenarios as to how people would interact with the collaboratory (e.g., log onto svc, create expmnt, publish to others, use identifier for experiment, all contextual info then available for the experiment; can obtain code, parameters
  • What are the main challenges, what should we focus on, what is our roadmap? Work on planning...
  • If we already have challenges, then brainstorm ideas and solutions to challenges.
  • What difference will ESC make to individual scientists?
  • What is out there that we can leverage? Technologies we could use? (Technical)

Candidate Topics

  • Sociological
    • Gamification?
    • Well-structured robust circles of sharing (compare models for sharing)
  • Programmatic
    • How does ESC work with / fit with EarthCube? (talk w/P. Fox).
      • Monitor EAGER awards
      • Monitor EarthCube site
      • Invite the movers
    • How do we engage multiple agencies to participate? How to set up a multi-agency steering committee? (e.g. NOAA EDM meeting, USGS CDI, NASA ESDSWG, invite to participate)
  • Technical
  • User Stories


  • Single group vs. heterogeneous groups vs. groups all covering same group of topics
  • Good to hear diversity of comments, but can get more done in splinters

Plan for Four Pronged Approach to ESC

Candidate Agenda Items

  • Defining a mode for coordinating the four areas (sociological, technical, programmatic and user stories)
    • How do we knit them together into a comprehensive picture
  • Identify 1-2 most important challenges in each area
    • Brainstorm approaches to above challenges (defer to charrette?): but prime people to think of and discuss solutions throughout meeting
  • Leveraging cross-agency collaboration: programmatic to technical
    • Coordination with NSF EarthCube effort: yes/no, if so, how, how much? (following from Tim's talk)
    • SI^2 -- build platforms to enable transformatory science, e.g., integrating hydrology and atm transport models
  • Recruit "champions" for each area (i.e., someone to keep momentum going)
    • e.g., Kuo for User Stories
  • Look ahead for post-winter meeting
  • How do we engage folks between meetings/telecons?
    • Hands-on stuff
    • What part of your job can contribute to ESC collaboratory?
    • What can ESC contribute to your job or career?

Note: possible ad hoc BOF meet-ups during meeting