EE CompliancePatternTrend

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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What is na Exceptional Event? (EE)

The Exceptional Events Rule requires states that flag data to satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR 50.14 (c)(3)(iii) to provide evidence that:

  • the event satisfies the criteria that it was not reasonably controllable or preventable
  • there would have been no exceedances or violation but for the event.
  • the event is associated with a measured value in excess of historical values
  • there is a clear casual relationship between the measured value and the event

Not Reasonably Controllable or Preventable

EE ButForSchematics.png ForestSmokePic.png DustFrontPic.png Volcano.png July4th 04 S.png

No Exceedance or Violation But For the Exceptional Event

According to the EE Rule, observationas can be EE-flagged if the concentration exceeds the standard due to the exceptional event.

  • The leftmost figure shows a case when the 'exceptional' concetration raises the level above the standard.
  • In the next case, the concentration from controllable sources is sufficient cause the exceedance. Such an exceedance is not a 'but for' case and should not be flagged.
  • In the third case, there is no exceedance, hence no justification for EE flag.

The 'exceptional' concetration raises the level above the standard The 'exceptional' concetration raises the level above the standard The 'exceptional' concetration raises the level above the standard
Illustration Exceptional Events, EE and non-EE events by the EE Rule.

The Event is in excess of the Historical Values

Spatial and Temporal Pattern of PM2.5 Compliance (Approximate)






