DisasterResponse telecon 2014-03-18

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Telecon info: Recorded WebEx Link


  • Discuss scope and focus
  • Scope disaster types and phases for assessment with the cluster (see google doc)
  • Discuss goals and potential activities the group plan to accomplish by Summer ESIP for specific disaster type(s)/phase(s) of interest:
  • Identify data sets
  • Identify stakeholders (data source/provider, users)
  • Identify user needs and functions
  • Identify existing capabilities
  • Others...
  • ESIP summer meeting session

Attendees - Erin Robinson, Kevin Dobbs, Emily Law, Karen Moe, Ana Pivette, Andrea Donnellan, Emily Northup, Maggie Glasscoe, Diane Davies, Sandy Ebersole, Bob Downs, Joan Aron

1. Discussion around what disaster type(s) the group should focus on and what mapping or other activities/issues should the focus for those disaster types. Some discussion focused on the intent of the organizers of the cluster so that cluster attendees could get a better feel for what the organizers anticipated the direction of the cluster to be. Karen related that the GOESS architecture for disasters and some barriers that have been identified. This might serve as a starting point for work of the cluster.

2. There was discussion on the geographic scope (US vs. Global). CEOS is looking at global disaster issues, which has its own set of issues with getting data out to those who need it, vs. the US which has different mechanisms, but also still needs refinement. Karen thought that ESIP might be a good vehicle for looking at making improvements in protocols and processes in the US/developed world which then might serve as a model of other areas around the world.

3. Discussion also focused on need to look at user needs and to evaluate current capabilities to identify gaps that exist that could be the focus of disaster cluster efforts.

4. There was discussion on the disaster life cycle and the question was raised regarding the focus of the cluster on different phases. Different parts of the cycle have different end users/decision makers. The cluster needs to have near-term and long-term goals.

5. Scope: An attempt was made to evaluate the strengths of the group in terms of disaster types and systems with which they work. Remote sensing and information systems were suggested as the two areas of expertise within ESIP, so this might be a good focus of the group. Evaluation of use cases would be a good way to identify areas in need improvement that could be the focus of the cluster. Bob suggested that soon to be announced disaster awards (NASA) will determine if people in the cluster will have support to work on areas identified in the discussion.

6. Use cases: Need to make a use case that would describe the area that we would like to contribute to (South Carolina example given). “How would you go about overcoming a barrier for a specific scenario?” The Coastal Zone Community of Practice activities related to GEOSS were mentioned (risk management focus).

7. Action Item: Use Case Examples / ideas will be posted somewhere by Karen/Emily (google doc?)