DisasterLifecycle telecon 2017-06-01

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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  • ESIP Disasters cluster recommendations to NASA for the Argentina Summit and follow on activities
  • ESIP Summer Meeting Planning Recap, July 25-28, Indiana Univ in Bloomington IN (register now)
  • Strengthening Ties Between Observations and User Communities (ESIP theme for 2017)
  • Disasters sessions Friday morning July 28
  • What Do We Mean by “Trusted” Data?
  • What’s the Right Data for this Use Case?
  • Other topics submitted by the cluster
  • Next telecon July 6


In attendance: Karen Moe, Maggi Glasscoe, Kari Hicks, Stephan Klene, Bob Downs, Bob Chen, Stuart Frye, Jessica Seepersad, Susana Adamo, Ken Keiser, Don Sullivan

ESIP Response to NASA request re: DRR Summit; see https://disasters.nasa.gov/argentina-summit-2017

We are looking at ways ESIP can respond to this request to participate in the disaster risk reduction and response activity, including the development of plans for the Sep 4-8 summit in Buenos Aires and follow up efforts.

Do ESIP members have relevant data sets or tools & services that might be contributed? - GeoCollaborate; WorldView; SEDAC Hazards Mapper, HazPop mobile app, and Population Estimation Service; ISciences Global Water Monitor & Forecast Are there activities with CEOS or GEOSS that might be leveraged? Can we apply our expertise in developing use cases and evaluating products and processes in testbed scenarios? Request insight to exercise planning/progress Do you have ideas for how ESIP might support the summit? Outreach to ESIP and other parties - iSciences, ImageCat

Recording of Telecon

To access this and previously saved telecon recordings, click here].