Data Management Training/meeting notes 20160407

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
< Data Management Training
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  • Progress on discussions related to role-based analyses of needed topics for data management training
  • Progress on the implementation of our DMT Clearinghouse
  • Note places to add sources of learning resources related to data management
  • Discussions with creators of modules on data management of physical samples in data repositories
  • TBD Poster presentation at RDAP 2016 in Atlanta at the beginning of May by Shelley Knuth
  • Plans for sessions at ESIP Summer meeting
  • Any reports / announcements of interest to the group from related groups or activities?
  • Other?


  • Shelley Stall, David Bassendine, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Sophie Hou

Notes: Because there were few people on the call this time, participants took the opportunity to discuss the relationship of our ongoing analyses of data management training topics based on roles to an analysis of the broader data ecosystem being done by Shelley Stall at the American Geophysical Union. There appears to be much synergy between the efforts, so the subgroup working on role-based analyses will be apprised of those efforts, and hopefully Shelley will be able to join those discussions. The next meeting of that group is April 27th, 8 am Pacific. Contact Nancy or Sophie if you’re interested in joining those calls.

Items not covered on the agenda this time, will be carried over to the next meeting, scheduled for Thursday, May 5th, 9 am Pacific.

  • Progress on discussions related to role-based analyses of needed topics for data management training
  • We decided to clarify the potential users using personas.
  • The personas were referenced from those that were developed by DataONE:
  • We started with three roles (Early Career Scientist (ECS), Science Data Librarian (SDL), College Educator (CE)) in order to start brainstorming on the data management training topics that might be needed by these three personas.
  • The general data management topic categories were referenced from the work developed and presented in “Data Information Literacy: Librarians, Data, and the Education of a New Generation of Researchers” - Jake Carlson, Lisa R. Johnston