Data Management Training/meeting notes 20150220

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Data Management training - cross collaboration 20 February 2015

(Link to Notes in Hackpad format)


  • Earth Cube funding proposal
  • Which part of Amendment IV best fits our efforts
  • 1) establishing Research Coordination Networks (RCNs)
  • 2) Integrative Activities
  • Which organizations would be involved
  • Next steps?

Attending: Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Sophie Hou, Amanda L Whitmire, Ruth Duerr


  • EarthCube solicitation proposal for A Community-Driven Data and Knowledge Environment for the Geosciences:
  • Nic Weber was suggesting to propose to the "EarthCube Research Coordination Networks (RCN); however, Ruth thinks that we could probably approach either funding opportunities.
  • The EarthCube call is strictly coming from the Geo division, so what would be the best way for us to frame the proposal?
  • Given that an inventory of existing data management training courses and other educational materials has already been funded via the Coalition on Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences (COPDESS: ) courtesy of Kerstin Lenhart's work (and others), an approach we could take would be to:
  • Do some gap analysis research to find out what's missing in terms of the outline of modules that were originally brainstormed by the ESIP Data Stewardship Committee (see link below), and perhaps the recommendations of the Data Literacy Skills list developed by Jake and Amanda's group, and other international groups such as the Digital Curation Centre and others
  • Turn this outline into a standard for Data Management training to vet, test and recommend for a defined audience (needs to be more clearly defined at this point)
  • Use the standard to:
  • update existing training materials such as ESIP's Short Course modules, DataONE's (?),
  • create new modules,
  • test the modules by giving them in workshops perhaps at EarthCube's All Hands meetings, or specific discipline conferences (such as AGU Annual),
  • market them, and
  • find a way to sustain the efforts as practices change related to data management in consultation and collaboration with other organizations / institutions.
  • Not feasible to put in a proposal for this round as due date is March 26th or 19th depending upon which part of the Amendment we focus upon, so better to prepare the next round as there is a new call for proposals every 6 months
  • Review EarthCube End-User Workshops: Executive Summaries to determine which areas within the geosciences have expressed specific needs for training or specific pain points that could be addressed by training -
  • Need to think about if / how we could include a broader group in this effort such as data center / archive / library trainers for Earth and Space science data could also be trained
  • Consider holding a workshop (half day or whole day) during ESIP Summer Meeting.
  • Introduction of data management training framework featuring different perspectives, such as policy maker, funder, researcher, information professionals/librarians, and students.
  • Highlight the importance of policy and financial support in facilitating data management behavioral/cultural change.

Action Items:

  • All: Review EarthCube End-User Workshops: Executive Summaries -
  • Sophie and Nancy: Prepare to provide report during ESIP Data Stewardship March meeting (March 16, 2pm ET).; invite Amanda and Jake to these calls and send the agendas.
  • Sophie / Nancy: Find out whether ESIP would be in position to apply for an Earth Cube grant as there is paperwork involved that Erin is working on (apparently?).
  • Sophie: Move the ESIP Short Course outline forward to the new Data Management training pages on the ESIP wiki for Data Stewardship.
  • NH: Set up doodle poll for about 4 weeks.
  • Ruth / Nancy: invite Nic Weber to our calls.
  • Nancy / Sophie: Figure out best place to put any brainstorming ideas on the End-User Workshop Exec Summaries review that people may want to add before the next call.