CEOP Satellite Data Server - Data Fed - GSFC

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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The CEOP Satellite Data Server is part of an ACCESS project to provide OPeNDAP access to data currently available via WCS.

DataFed offers a large variety of data and model output related to air quality, many of them via WCS.

A demo of the CEOP Satellite Data Server for NASA HQ showed GOCART model output in a Live Access Server (LAS). The LAS, at University of Rhode Island, was accessing an OPeNDAP server, also at URI, with a back-end handler converting WCS to OPeNDAP. That OPeNDAP server was accessing a WCS server at DataFed (Washington University at St. Louis). DataFed had likely(?) acquired the data from the MAP05 WCS server at Goddard Space Flight Center. They got it from someone else at GSFC, I think.

The Issue

So, if I'm the science user at the Live Access Server, I need to know which GOCART model output I have, who made it (are they reliable?), what was done to it on its various routes through the various WCS and OPeNDAP servers (interpolation, anyone?), and who to contact if I have further questions.

Also, if I'm NASA HQ, I'd like to know that the end user knows the model output originated from NASA and is prepared to properly cite it in the paper they will write about it. Likewise for DataFed or the University of Rhode Island, all of whom contributed to the final result the user got.