Assessing and Addressing ESIP's Professional Development Needs

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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<Back to Jan 4, 2012 Program

Date: 2012-01-04
Conveners: LuAnn Dahlman, Margaret Mooney, and ESIP Student Fellows Brent Jesse Yasmin Tom Eric Oleg

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Key Topics

(List any key topics covered.) Assest needs, 14 interviews, answers were mixed and nothing emerged in particular, either the questions were wrong or the needs are broad.

Highest need:

Community Inreach

Communication occurs within a community of practice,

Top Needs:

75% or more indicated High Need or Some need: community inreach 95 effective tech demos 95 platforms for teaching 90 user's needs 85 usability 85 message development 85 communicating up the chain 80 social media 75 screencastomatic screencast

Possibly educate the participants about possible broblems that they might find apply to them

Overview of Social Media as a Tool for Collaboration

Margaret Mooney

Suggestion by LuAnn:

Have a workshop that encourages people to join SM (twitter etc) in a safe env

Action Items

(List potential business activities and who is responsible.)


(Note presenters and clarification remarks.)

Related Projects

(Look for links to projects, their accomplishments, and works in progress)


PowerPoint Slides of Presentations