Approved Excom Minutes/Excom 2016/November 2016

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Revision as of 15:26, December 6, 2016 by Bcaron (talk | contribs) (Created page with "November 8, 2016 '''Attendees''' *Emily Law, President *Christine White, Vice President *Bill Teng, Chair, Finance *Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership *Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B...")
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November 8, 2016


  • Emily Law, President
  • Christine White, Vice President
  • Bill Teng, Chair, Finance
  • Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership
  • Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B
  • Sky Bristol, Type II Rep
  • Ted Habermann, Type III Rep
  • Justin Goldstein, Chair, Data Stewardship
  • Ethan Davis, Chair, IT & I
  • Soren Scott, Chair, Products and Services


  1. Approval of October Minutes Christine Moved. Bill Seconded. No objections. Minutes approved.
  2. President's Report
    • Highlights
      • Data Driven Decision Making (3DM) 2016 Workshop: ESIP hosted and organized (along with the All Hazards Consortium) the workshop that was held at the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) on October 27. ESIP had a strong presence including Erin, who gave a presentation and introduction of ESIP, plus other EISP members (Dave Jones, Brian Wee, Sang-Ho Yun, Bob Chen and Emily). The workshop engaged the industry and government planning and operations professionals, federal agencies, and science/research organizations to gain a common understanding and agree upon a joint short-term and long-term approach to identifying and putting to use critical datasets that can be applied in specific operational use cases that address restoration of critical infrastructure during and post-disasters in order to improve operational situational awareness and to enhance decision making. The workshop’s objectives, agenda and list of participants can be found on here.
      • GEO XIII Plenary: Erin, Kathy (ESIP rep for GEO Program Board), and Emily are attending the meeting being held in St.Petersburg, Russia during the week of November 7. Contributions made by ESIP community were highlighted and submitted to the GEO Executive Committee. Thanks to Erin for preparing that. Statement
  3. Staff Report
    • Erin also participated and spoke at the 3DM Workshop that was collaboratively hosted by ESIP and the All Hazards Consortium (Slides). Working on NASA proposal renewal, preparing for FY16 scheduled audit, series of three town halls at AGU that are part of Data Fair and GEO Plenary (ESIP's Statement, Emily/Erin participating this week).
    • Annie B. has been working to wrap up AIST evaluations. All 5 teams have submitted final reports, which will go to PIs by the end of the week. Draft meeting schedule will also be posted by the end of the week.
    • Bruce back tomorrow from Japan. Ignite@AGU call for speakers is out. We will also start preparing for booth activities at ESIP booth in Expo.
  4. Committee Reports
    • C&B
      • The 30-day comment period concluded on November 6 for the resolution to merge.
      • The vote opened on Nov. 7.
    • Finance
      • Review of FY17 budget proposals - 2 completed; 2 in progress.
      • Revision of document on budget proposal policy - ~completed, pending clarification on language re: Ficom and Board roles.
    • Partnership
      • The committee reviewed and recommended four new applications for membership.
      • Danie is working with Christine on an ESIP member success story program, it's structure and process. On our November ExCom call, group agreed to extend Partner Award deadline. Staff will help promote. Deadline for nominations for awards extended to November 30.
    • Data Stewardship
    • Education
      • The Education Committee has posted the alpha version of its e-book of drone activities. Shelley Olds has developed a pair of surveys we will use to gather feedback on the activities. Based on feedback we receive, we'll identify a consistent activity format and choose which activities to include in the next version. After a second review cycle, we'll submit our content to a graphic designer.
      • Margaret Mooney presented the e-book content in a session at the Midwest Regional meeting of the National Science Teachers Association in Minneapolis on October 28. Twenty-nine enthusiastic participants showed up (some even took test flights!) for her late Friday afternoon session. The activities were well received and several participants indicated they would try them with students.
    • IT&I
    • Nominations - Job Description Doc
      • Nominations for most elected positions are posted on the wiki; we're finalizing the at-large board nominations and hope to have that complete in the next two weeks. Candidate statements can be posted through the wiki.
    • Products & Services
      • No October telecon. October RFP proposals are in review and planning for the spring projects to report out during the November call. Five proposals were submitted
    • Semantic Technology
      • Planning for semantics symposium the day before the winter ESIP meeting
    • Visioneers
  5. Type Rep Reports
    • Type I: No Report.
    • Type II: No Report. Erin noted Type Reps will no longer exist after reorganization.
    • Type III: No Report.
  6. Other Business
    • December ExCom will be Tuesday, December 6. 1-2pm Pacific based on December ExCom Poll.
    • The Software Guidelines (Draft) are a revision of the Technology Evaluation Framework composed during the 2015 AIST evaluations. ExCom will have 30-days to comment on the Guidelines and will be voted on during the next ExCom.
    • Committee chairs should clarify their group's purpose by the next ExCom call.
      • Committee Purpose (Reference: Bylaws)