Approved Excom Minutes/Excom 2016/August 2016

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Revision as of 07:37, September 27, 2016 by Bcaron (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Attendees''' <br /> Emily Law, President<br /> Christine White, VP<br/> Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership<br /> Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B<br /> Bob Arko, Type I Rep<br /> T...")
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Emily Law, President
Christine White, VP
Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership
Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B
Bob Arko, Type I Rep
Ted Habermann, Type III Rep
LuAnn Dahlman, Chair, Education
Ethan Davis, Chair, IT & I
Justin Goldstein, Chair, Data Stewardship
Soren Scott, Chair, P & S
Bill Teng, Chair, Finance
Tom Narock, Chair, Semantic Tech
Denise Hills, Chair, Nominations
Erin Robinson, Staff
Annie Burgess, Staff
Annie Keyes, Staff
Dan Keyes, Staff


  1. Approval of June Minutes
    • Christine White motioned to approve the June minutes. Justin Goldstein seconded.
  2. President's Report
    • Highlights
      • Summer Meeting: Thank you all very much for a fun and successful summer meeting. Many very positive and complimentary remarks overall were received. Look forward to hearing the post-meeting survey debrief.
    • Actions
      • 2017 Theme: Looking ahead, it’s time to start thinking about theme for next ESIP year. The Visioneers will restart this Wednesday. Any suggestions and input for them to work with?
      • International Week: Expect a strong ESIP presence throughout the week (Sept 11-17). If there will be an exhibit hall, ESIP will be part of it. This google doc is to coordinate all our activities (e.g., co-hosting a RDA workshop on hackathons how-to, Christine will be a speaker at the International Data Forum, Emily, Rama and others will be presenters or panelists in various SciDataCon sessions). Please add events that you will participate and the ones that you are aware of.
      • Communication: As we recognize that communication as being central to all aspects of ESIP (e.g., how to talk about ESIP internally and externally), improving the effectiveness of our communication will be valuable to ESIP. We are exploring training classes that can benefit the leadership team. If you are interested in participating, please let me know.
  3. Staff Report
    • Great meeting. Reminder to provide feedback by end of this week w/ link emailed
    • Follow-up from workshop - initial draft report and timeline
    • AIST evaluations have started, call for 2017 student fellows will go out by the end of August.
  4. Committee Reports
    • C&B
      • Nothing to report. Scheduling a catch-up discussion with Erin on C&B issues resulting from the pre-summer meeting workshop.
    • Finance
      • Met in Durham; planned finalizing process documents to go into C&B's ESIP document repository.
      • Sent to committee/working group chairs FY17 request for budgets.
    • Partnership - Partnership is getting ready to review a fall membership application class (four new applicants) for assembly review by late Sept. and voting by Oct. In addition, this committee is also drafting strawman for the new ESIP Member Handbook. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities for review.
    • Data Stewardship - We are creating a web page in which to list our committee's publications. Work on a paper concerning lessons learned from identifier utilization continues. During our June call, Catherine Jones (Software Engineering Group Leader from Scientific Computing Department at the Science and Technology Facilities Council) presented about software citation. Google doc which will eventually go on the wiki. The google doc is a work in progress.
    • Education
      • Workshop was a success. We were thrilled that two of our educators were FUNding Friday winners.
      • We're considering getting set up on Open Science Framework to work with educators on the e-book.
      • Shelley Olds, with help from Soren Scott, presented to ~35 mostly curriculum specialists at NSTA's STEM summit in Denver last month.
      • Shelley Olds and Margaret Mooney both submitted AGU abstracts documenting our efforts.
      • Made a broad invitation to our group for new initiatives that support ESIP's strategic goals. Will be preparing our budget over the next month.
    • IT&I
      • Tech Dive Webinar Series
        • 11 Aug 2016: "Community Data Analysis Tools (CDAT)": Charles Doutriaux, LLNL
      • Planning Discussions
        • Consider how to host and curate a collection of reproducible Jupyter notebooks that would demonstrate progress toward IT&I goals of discoverability and interoperability via common services
    • Nominations - The committee has been established, and preliminary discussions have started for some positions. The committee will be working with staff and leadership of ESIP and FES for determination of what positions related to the board need to elected this cycle. If you are a committee chair, expect to hear from one of the committee members soon about your committee.
    • Products & Services - testbed governance roadmap and discussion points developed (on hold for the overall ESIP restructuring discussions & outcomes).
    • Semantic Technology - Working on a community roadmap with external partners and Springer publishing
  5. Type Rep Reports
    • Type I - continuing to populate Member Map . EarthCube CDF Assembly July 22 @ESIP Summer Meeting elected all new officers: T.Ahern (Chair), D.Kinkade (Vice Chair), B.Arko (Secretary), S.Graves, J.Hausman, C.Meertens, B.Minster.
      • Annie Burgess will work with Bob A. to integrate the ESIP member Storymap with the Type I directory he is developing.
    • Type II - nothing to report.
    • Type III - nothing to report.
  6. Other Business
    • Christine White called for a motion to call an Assembly vote prior to the Winter Assembly meeting. Justin Goldstein seconded.
    • ESIP at International Data Week - Please add your ideas, events, sessions etc to this google doc
    • 2017 Theme Discussion
    • “How to talk about ESIP” ideas and how to grow ESIP ambassadors.
    • How to document ESIP success stories - there is a technical and programmatic effort. As easy as tagging posts with #esipfed or some other hashtag, but then what do we do all the tagged content, where do we consolidate that, is that how we want to proceed with capturing success stories - let's think about this
      • NOAA has some existing framework resources on this, EarthCube is also using NOAA's work on this.
      • Should we establish a Working Group for this, "Documenting Success Stories"? Annie B. & Danie K. coordinate the activity initially.
        • ACTION: Annie Burgess will spearhead an exploratory committee on how to capture ESIP success/lessons learned stories.