Approved Excom Minutes/Excom 2015/April 2015

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


  • Peter Fox, President
  • Emily Law, Vice President
  • Justin Goldstein, Chair, Data Stewardship
  • Denise Hills, Nomination Committee
  • Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B
  • Tyler Stevens, Chair, Partnership
  • Ted Habermann, Type III
  • Bill Teng, Chair, Ficom
  • Christine White, Chair, Products and Services
  • Erin Robinson, Staff

Executive Committee Business

  1. Approval of March Minutes
    Denise motioned to approve Minutes as amended and Emily seconded. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
  2. President's Report
    • The DC trip is rescheduled for the week of April 20. Erin & Peter will meet with current sponsors - NASA and NOAA as well as USGS, CEQ and USGCRP.
    • Peter thanked Emily for her leadership of the ESIP Strategic Plan process
    • Peter reported on the two tasks he is leading (1) ESIP Budget & (2) ESIP/FES Fiscal Sponsor Agreement. In the next month, Peter & Erin will work with Bill Teng on the budget and hop to have more to report in May.
  3. Executive Director Report
    • Erin reported that she had extended offers to two candidates - (1) Annie Burgess as the ESIP Community Director and (2) Rebecca Fowler as the Marketing and Outreach Director. Both will start by mid-May.
    • Erin followed up on Peter's comments about the ESIP budget. The draft budget for ESIP looks very positive. In the next several weeks Erin will also be working on the NASA renewal proposal.
  4. Summer Meeting 2015
    • Call for Sessions & Details - There was a great response to the call for sessions. Erin will be following up with travel details for ExCom.
    • Wiki planning space
    • ESIP Code of Conduct - Erin reported that with Partnership she is working on a code of conduct for the meeting.
    • Theme Finalized - Peter thanked the group for all of their input and suggested a final theme iteration: "The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners & Community Resilience: Coming Together". Denise motioned to approve the theme and Bill seconded the motion. The meeting theme was approved by acclamation. Action - List all themes;
  5. Strategic Plan Update
    • Workspace & Roadmap - Emily echoed Peter's thanks for the rest of the groups that have supported the development of ESIP's strategic plan. With Chris Lenhardt and Denise Hills, & staff, the next steps will be to create a doc with all of the supporting material and an executive summary that will be used as the baseline to review accomplishments against.
  6. Committee Reports
    • Data Stewardship - Justin reported that Data Stewardship met last month and primarily focused on the Data Management Maturity Matrix and the Data Management Training course. Next month they will have two presentations: (1) Bob Downs on long-term trusted archives and (2) Matt Mayernik on the AMS Data Citation Recommendations
    • Ficom - Bill reported that the committee is working on a document to streamline the budget submission process and the timeline for reviews.
    • Partnership - Tyler reported on the committee's first telecon. They reviewed five membership applications that have been submitted so far. They are also working on the code of conduct and a process for removing inactive members. Both docs will be shared with ExCom next month.
    • C&B - Ken has tracked down all changes and minutes to update the bylaws. He will put the latest version in a permanent version controlled place (Commons or GitHub?) and move forward creating a process for maintaining this long-term. In addition the C&B is working on several bylaw changes.
    • Education - Erin reported for LuAnn that the committee was in the process of resubmitting a budget. They doodled for a new call time and the committee is beginning to plan for the ESIP Summer Meeting Teacher Workshop.
    • IT&I - Erin reported for Ethan that this month IT&I hosted a rant/rave with Ray Plante from NDS Labs. Ethan is looking for additional Rant/Rave topics.
    • Nominations - Denise reminded the group it isn't too early to think about nominations for next year's leaders or ESIP awards.
    • P&S - Christine reported that on the April P&S call, they will host a Testbed Status Report from currently funded projects. She also reminded the group that the Testbed Configuration Board was going to come together in Boulder to think about how the ESIP testbed might evolve.
  7. Type Rep Reports
    • Type III - Ted reported that following up on the email list refresh, he had emailed the Type III's to start a conversation about what the group might do. He suggested considering the Types a different kind of cluster.
  8. Other Business
    • All Bylaw changes to C&B by early May so that they can be included in a single vote.
    • Emily shared that she has suggested an all-collaboration area breakout session to encourage networking at the Summer Meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 ET.