Air quality guidelines - global update 2005

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< GEO User Requirements for Air Quality | Report | Documents | Resources | Edit with Form
Doc #: 10 Title: WHO Air quality guidelines - global update 2005 | Document Link
Organization/Author: WHO
Type: Report
Year: 2006
Region: International
Observation Type:
Observation Needs:
Document Status: Unsubmitted, 2009/08/31

  • PM2.5/PM10 - 24-hr mean; annual mean
  • O3 - 8hr mean
  • NO2 - annual mean

, 1-hr mean

  • SO2 - 24 hr mean, 10 min mean

Description of Document: WHO AQ Guidelines ( Similar to AQ Standards) update for PM2.5/PM10, O3, NO2 and SO2 worldwide based on literature/research concerning health effects.
Addition of PM2.5 to measurements was new. Currently, most countries only measure PM10, however PM2.5/PM10 ratio is needed. UF particle measurements are insufficient as well.

Ozone correlates with other toxic photochemicals

NO2 has health effects on its own; is a marker for other toxics and is a precursor for O3

SO2 has health effects at high concentrations after just 10 minutes, but may be surrogate for UF particles.

Document explains process of the update. May include suggestions for a few more global AG members