Air Quality Data Provider Catalog
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- DataFed (ProviderAbbr: DataFed, About: DataFed is Web services-based software that non-intrusively mediates between autonomous, distributed data providers and users. DataFed is designed in accordance with the GEOSS architecture; It provides standard interfaces to heterogeneous distributed data, fosters data integration and use with processing web services and tools, and collects metadata and user-feedback on datasets. DataFed also provides standards-based data feeds to the NASA Giovanni System., Latitude: 38.65, Longitude: -90.30, Network: ACPortal, GEOSS, HTAP)
- NASA (ProviderAbbr: NASA, About: About, Latitude: 38.99, Longitude: -76.88, Network: ACPortal, GEOSS)