Agclimate telecon 2014-11-04

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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  • Keep exploring the possibilities with David Augustine
  • For January - can we get someone from LTAR to give an overview of what they are looking for - what they need as a function of applications
  • Instead of use cases - taking a look at the spatial resolution issue
  • Nancy got in touch with people from: VegDRI project
  • Possible speakers - tentatively room for 2 sessions (The list above is a few initial possibilities)
  • Mark Wahlbridge is interested in coming to the winter meeting and will be one of the plenary speakers
  • There will be others from this group that Erin will post shortly after confirming
  • Steve Kelling - head of IT at Cornell Ornithological lab - working with Nature Conservancy, Point Blue - Bird Returns

(He is willing to come as his work has a link to food resiliency topic - working with rice producers)

      • Next step: clarify discussion topic specificity and any support with registry
      • Potential interest in ESIP too (Also interest as connection with topics of citizen science and education)
  • Arif Albayrak - co-location of ground and satellite (level 2 and level 3)
      • working on spatial tools that will do point to point, point to swath, point to grid, and swath to grid
      • he could introduce tool and give some information about
  • Li Ping Di - Also does a lot of ag work - with NASS - might be interested in presenting something (another possible speaker)
  • If everyone is able to come we would need more than one session.
  • Have a station set up where demos or screen capture video could occur (in the downstairs open area)
      • May offer this idea to Molly and Dahlia (on the list of speakers)
  • We can consider other possibilities - next step is to see whether everyone is available (Also contact Li Ping)
  • Sessions will probably be Day 1 in the afternoon

Attendees: Bill Teng, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Erin Robinson, Arif Albayrak, Reid Boehm