Agclimate telecon 2014-08-12

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Back to Ag & Climate Workspace

Re-scheduled from Aug. 5, 3 pm to Aug. 12, 2 pm


  • Feedback on Summer Meeting and Cluster session (Session description and notes; pdfs of talks attached)
  • Follow-ups with ARS, aiming for ESIP 2015 Winter Meeting
  1. NASA satellite data for LTAR and Climate Hubs
  2. Use case(s)


  * Feedback on Summer Meeting and Cluster session (Session description and notes; pdfs of talks attached)
* positive interest during summer meeting
* Bill had chat with Mark and Justin about what's next
* interest in collaboration - potential membership USDA
* membership cycle extended - Erin will circle back
* Presentations are uploaded to the commons meeting notes
  * Follow-ups with ARS, aiming for ESIP 2015 Winter Meeting
 1. NASA satellite data for LTAR and Climate Hubs
  • Google docs spreadsheet with data products and characteristics
  • what needs to be done to make data that is on our side more useful and useable
  • Feel free to add products and to make changes
  • Nancy - Tool match directory - noticing different kinds of data that might match up (can include model data too)

2. Use case(s)

* study on specific situations
* Bill is planning to talk with LTAR about specific scenarios - speak with Justin and Mark
* Potential to do talk during monthly telecon  - Bill will follow up about meeting invitation to attend
* Nancy - article in Nature Conservancy - conservation org in California (Point Blue) also with Cornell ornithology labs
  Rice farmers - water data - pulling data that allows them to work with the farmers to keep wanter on their land longer,
  benefits bird migratory patterns (crowdsourcing with eBird) and economic incentives to farmers - A good opportunity to
  bring them into the conversation
 * Visioneers and 2015 Winter Mtg
  • Food Resiliency - energy and water aspects
  • take a look at wording of the discussion on the theme - on the wiki
  • Looking for ideas for speakers
  • Activities and sessions that carry through the meeting is a good way to reinforce the theme - door is open for demos, creative ideas
  • Adding in the economic aspect
  • Erin - multidisciplinary aspect of speakers in plenary choosing - multiple perspectives surrounding the data aspects we address - supporting applied sciences
  • Following up with Barry Weiss and use cases for data he is working with
  • Potential to watch the launch
  • Thinking about how to word what we are talking about - importance of discussing with Mark and Justin
  • Food security homeland security as part of the discussion
  • Effect of drought and food disparity on global conflict
  • Calls for sessions once theme is in focus - open for about 2 months


   Erin is following up about potential membership
   Bill is speaking with Mark and Justin about attending monthly meeting to talk about use cases
   Everyone is taking a look at Winter meeting language and thinking about potential speakers and creative meeting ideas
   Others? Adding to spreadsheet of data services and sets that are applicable for use with LTAR

Next call is September 2nd at usual time 3pm est.

Attendees: Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Bill Teng, Erin Robinson, Reid Boehm