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FY 2009 NASA K-12 Cooperative Agreements Notice (CAN)

Grant number: NNG09Z13001

Due Date for Applications: Sep 25, 2009

Expected Total Number of Awards: 12

Estimated Total Program Funding: unknown Award Ceiling: $1,500,000 Award Floor: $750,000 URL:

Overview: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of Education is accepting proposals in response to the NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN): K-12 Competitive Agreement Notice". The K-12 CAN is an opportunity for U.S. public secondary schools, school districts, state-level educational leadership, and educational not-for profit organizations to leverage NASA’s content with their expertise in providing or enabling secondary education instruction. The priority for NASA Education under this CAN is to target secondary education with a particular emphasis on the high school level. Each funded proposal is expected to take advantage of NASA’S unique science and exploration missions and contributions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) areas. The K12(CAN) activity may make awards in the following categories: • Experiences and activities that support high school level instruction/learning in STEM; • Experiences and activities that support middle school or undergraduate level instruction/learning if linked to high school programming; • e-Education, education technology, or electronic dissemination of content; and, • Professional development for in-service related to NASA content and targeting secondary education. Develop and implement programs introducing high school students to careers in engineering related to NASA Human Space Flight. Background Information The desired outcomes and implementation objectives of the NASA K-12(CAN) activity are driven by the NASA’s Education Framework, which governs all Agency education programs ( This framework describes a progression of educational experiences from informal through elementary and secondary education, to undergraduate, graduate, and even post-graduate education. Additional information about the NASA Education Framework can be found in Appendix D. Notices of Intent are required and due by August 24, 2009. Full proposals are due September 25, 2009. Interested parties may also connect to a pre-proposal teleconference on September 10, 2009 from 1:00 pm EDT to 3:00 pm EDT, for further information. To dial into the teleconference, call .1-800-369-1141. The participant passcode is 28061. (See the full CAN, Appendix E.3, for further details.) For more information regarding this opportunity, please visit the page on the NSPIRES website. Go to and click on Solicitations and then on Open Solicitations. If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact the NSPIRES Help Desk, at or call 202-479-9376 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time


Dr. Antoinette C. Wells National Project Manager NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Mail Code 130.3 Greenbelt, Maryland 20771

Discovery Research K-12

Grant number: 09-602

Due Date for Applications: Jan 07, 2010 Preliminary Proposal Due Date(s) (optional): October 05, 2009 (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time) Full Proposal Deadline(s): January 07, 2010

Expected Total Number of Awards: 70

Estimated Total Program Funding: $55,000,000 Award Ceiling: unknown Award Floor: unknown URL:

Overview: The Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program seeks to enable significant advances in preK-12 student and teacher learning of the STEM disciplines through development, study, and implementation of resources, models, and technologies for use by students, teachers, and policymakers. Projects funded under this solicitation begin with a research question or a hypothesis about how to improve preK-12 STEM learning and teaching. Projects create or adapt and study innovative resources, models, or technologies and determine how and why implementation affects STEM learning.DR K-12 invites proposals that meet a variety of educational needs, from those that address immediate and pressing challenges facing preK-12 STEM education to those that anticipate opportunities for the future. DR K-12 especially encourages proposals that challenge existing assumptions about learning and teaching within or across STEM fields, envision needs of learners in 10-15 years, and consider new and innovative ways to educate students and teachers. Project goals, designs, and working strategies should be informed by prior research and practical experience drawn from all relevant disciplines, while focusing on concepts and skills that are central to STEM education. The DR K-12 program is primarily concerned with improving education of students and teachers in formal settings. As appropriate, the program encourages projects also to draw from knowledge and practice of learning in informal settings. While many projects supported under this solicitation will focus on exploratory development and testing of innovative ideas for some specific facet of STEM education, all proposals must explain how the work can lead ultimately to successful adoption of findings or products in the K-12 enterprise on a national scale.The DR K-12 program accepts proposals for exploratory projects, full research and development projects, and synthesis projects, as well as for conferences and workshops related to the mission of the program. Contacts: Inquiries can be made to either, telephone: (703)292-8620, email:

FY 2010 National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program

Grant number: EPA-OEI-10-01

Due Date for Applications: Nov 20, 2009 Please refer to the full announcement, including Section IV, for additional information on submission methods and due dates

Expected Total Number of Awards: 50

Estimated Total Program Funding: $10,000,000 Award Ceiling: $200,000 Award Floor: URL:

Overview: Some awards may involve or relate to geospatial information. EPA, states, territories, and tribes are working together to develop the National Environmental Information Exchange Network, a secure, Internet- and standards-based way to support electronic data reporting, sharing, and integration of both regulatory and non-regulatory environmental data. States, tribes and territories exchanging data with each other or with EPA, should make the Exchange Network and the Agency's connection to it, the Central Data Exchange (CDX), the standard way they exchange data and should phase out any legacy methods they have been using. More information on the Exchange Network is available at

Contacts: Edward Mixon, (202) 566-2142. Edward Mixon