AccessData: Creating and educational module using the Air Quality Cluster data

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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The AccessData Workshop ( is focused on making specific datasets accessible and usable in educational contexts by facilitating teams made up of data providers, data analysis tool specialists, scientists, curriculum developers, and educators. The Air Quality cluster will be working with members of the AccessData team during this half day session to replicate this process at the ESIP Federation meeting.

We will be identifying the team that will be working on the educational module which will result in an Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter (, identifying the datasets and analysis tools that will be used in the activity, begin to fill out the educationally relevant metadata for the DataSheet, brainstorm on what the case study (the story that provides the reason for examining the data) of the activity will be, and determine the next steps - planning for participation in the 2009 AccessData Workshop.

Tamara Ledley and Stefan Falke

Tamara Ledley
Stefan Falke
Rudy Husar