2010 Nominations and Ballot

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Elected Offices and Nominees

(description of each elected position and the Committee's role is found by click on the links in the second column)

Assembly Officers President James Frew, Bren School, UCSB Bruce Caron/Ken Casey
Vice President Chris Lenhardt, ORNL Chuck Hutchinson/James Frew
Type Representatives Type I Rep Marilyn Kaminski, NSIDC self/Chris Lenhardt
Type II Rep
Type III Rep Karl Benedict, EDAC/UNM

Tamara Ledley, TERC

Bruce Caron/Rob Raskin

Margaret Mooney/Stefan Falke

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

C&B Chair & 3 Members selected to represent each ESIP Type I, II, III Chair: Michael Goodman,NASA Marshall/HQ

Type I rep: Tom Sohre, USGS Eros Data Center

Bruce Caron/Stefan Falke

Self/Stefan Falke

Finance and Appropriations Committee

FiCom Chair & 3 Members selected to represent each ESIP Type I, II, III Chair: Chuck Hutchinson, U of Arizona

Type I rep: Bruce Wilson, ORNL DAAC

Bruce Wilson/

self/Stefan Falke


Partnership Chair & 3 Members selected to represent each ESIP Type I, II, III Chair: Annette Schloss, UNH/EOS Webseter

Type I: David Meyer, USGS/EROS Type II: Type III: Dave Jones, StormCenter

Chris Lenhardt/Marilyn Kaminski

Karl Benedict/Rob Raskin

Commercial Development Committee

ComDev Chair  

Community Engagement Committee

CommEng Chair  

Education Committee

Ed Chair Margaret Mooney, SSEC, University of Wisconsin Tamara Ledley/Annette Schloss

Information Technology & Interoperability Committee

IT&I Chair Rahul Ramachandran, Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville/ITSC Karl Benedict/Danny Hardin

Products and Services Committee

P&S Chair Rob Raskin, JPL Karl Benedict/Chris Lynnes

*Multiple nominees for any office are welcome. Send nominations to michael.goodman@nasa.gov and copy carolbmeyer@esipfed.org

2010 Call for Nominations

Each year, the ESIP Federation conducts elections of its officers, committee chairs, ESIP Type Representatives and Administrative Committee members. Vice Chairs of Standing Committees will be elected within the Committees after the elction is held. We are at the time of year when we begin accepting nominations for the following positions which are elected Federation-wide:

Vice President*
Administrative Committee Positions
Constitution and Bylaws, Chair
Finance and Appropriations, Chair*
Partnership, Chair
Standing Committee Positions
Commercial Development, Chair
Community Engagement, Chair
Education, Chair
Information Technology and Interoperability, Chair
Products and Services, Chair

The current ESIP Type Representatives will be contacting their respective caucuses to begin accepting nominations for the following positions:

ESIP Type Representative* (a Type I, Type II and Type III are needed)
ESIP Type Representative from each of the ESIP Types I, II and III is needed to fill a seat on each of the Administrative Committees (Constitution and Bylaws; Finance and Appropriations, Partnership)

All Officers, Committee Chairs and Type Representatives serve on the ESIP Federation Executive Committee. The positions marked with an asterisk (*) also serve on the Board of the Foundation for Earth Science. Nominations will be accepted through December 4, 2009