1 31 2013

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 14:20, January 31, 2013 by Ramdeen (talk | contribs)

DDS Telecon 1/31/2013 meeting notes

Present: Anne Wilson, Denise Hills, Robert Downs, Ruth Duerr, Paul Uhlir, Rama Ramapriyan, Heather [?], Beth [?], Steve Aulenbach

Notes: Anne reviewed the DDS wiki page

First goal would be to develop deliverables for the summer meeting and secondary to develop materials at the winter meeting.

The summer meeting is in Chapel Hill in July.

What do we mean and what are we trying to address?

Anne referenced a report on stewardship but did not address things like discovery, understanding and trust etc. What are our visions/options for this cluster? Also what scope do we want to tackle? (See wikipage for details).

Anne and Ruth believe that we should have a larger scope beyond just Earth Science data. This might include social science data. Ruth gave an example of Biologists using ice core data for their research. Anne suggested that we collect some use cases and other examples. Use case needs to be fleshed out (how detailed).

Rama was worried about making this too broad. He believes it should be how Earth Sciences connect to other fields but not encompassing all fields. Denise echoed this - how these other fields interface with Earth Science. But we can use these other fields as examples. Rama suggested use cases of Earth Science data and other disciple data - how can we make it easier to process data in combination. This will be important for the use cases.

Ruth felt that gathering use cases was important, but what would be our intentions to use them in our recommendations on moving forward?

Anne felt the use cases would help scope the problem by indicating interface points. If we had the right use cases, across discipline, we could look at them comparatively and say what would we need to do to make it work across these boundaries.
