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070420GeorgiaSmoke: 2007-04-20 Georgia Florida Smoke

Description: The Sweetfarm fire in southern Georgia produced elevated smoke concentrations in the neighboring States for about a month in May 2007.

Type: N/A | Smoke | Location:Georgia, Florida | Dates: April 20, 2007 - May 30, 2007 | Lat: 22, 38 | Lon: -90, -70


Failed to load RSS feed from http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/070420GeorgiaSmoke: Error parsing XML for RSS

User-Contributed, Harvested Resources

Analyst Console Image for the May 11, 2007 GA Smoke:

070511 GASmoke Console.png

070507_GASmoke_Console.png 070508_GASmoke_Console.png 070509_GASmoke_Console.png 070510_GASmoke_Console.png 070511_GASmoke_Console.png 070512_GASmoke_Console.png 070513_GASmoke_Console.png 070514_GASmoke_Console.png 070515_GASmoke_Console.png

Automatic Harvesting of Florida Smoke-relavent Resources

Blogs with tags Florida + Smoke posted between 2007-05-07 to 2007-05-12.

Additional Human Filtering of Automatically Harvested Resources

By scanning the harvested resources (blogs and videos) deamed relevant to event analysis were tagged in del.icio.us. This added an additional human selection beyond automatic harvesting.

Data Resources

<ask limit="500" format=template template=CatalogShortMacro>] +

  • "*" is not in the list (Aerosol, Demographic, Emission, Fire, Gases, GIS, Meteor, Test) of allowed values for the "Domain" property.
  • "*" is not in the list (Image, SeqImage, Cube, TRAJ, GRID, POINT, No DataType) of allowed values for the "DataType" property.**"*" is not in the list (Emission, Satellite, Network, Catalog, Model, Unknown, No Platform, Count) of allowed values for the "SamplePlatform" property.*"*" is not in the list (FilterSmp, RemoteSens, ContSens, Point, Model, Network, Unknown, No Method) of allowed values for the "SampleMethod" property.


DataFed-Google Earth Mashup

Smoke on Google Earth