02-13-2013 Education telecon

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Election of Committee Vice Chair
  3. Setting the tone for the year
    • ESIP Summer Meeting Opportunities
    • About NESTA & NSTA Opportunities
    • Re-starting the Climate Change Education Working Group
  4. Other Business

Meeting Notes

Participants: Preston Lewis (NASA Langley), Erin Robinson (Foundation for Earth Science), Carol Meyer (Foundation for Earth Science), Denise Hills (Geologic Survey of Alabama), Roberta Johnson (SUNY @ Albany; NESTA), LuAnn Dahlman (NOAA/Climate Program Office), Bruce Caron (New Media Studio), Margaret Mooney (University of Wisconsin, Madison/CIMSS), Patricia Reiff (Rice University)

Chair Roberta Johnson welcomed everyone and inquired about the results of the Doodle poll. It appears as if Tuesdays at 4:30 Eastern are workable for most everyone. Introductions ensued for everyone on the call.

Action Items