NO2 Data Synthesis

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

See Discussions


see discussion on compiling summary and creating plan

Interoperability Connnections



  • AQS/AirQuest
  • OMI
    • Giovanni
    • J. Burrows and R. Martin
  • GOME2
    • METOP
  • Continous Emissions Monitoring Network (CEM)
  • Brewer - NO2 column
  • MET - NO2 lidar
  • Lightening Detection


  • CMAQ
  • NEI
  • HTAP
  • Global Inventories
    • EDGAR
    • RETRO


Near term opportunities

OMI NO2 Access

AIRS NO2 Access


  • NO2 to Airquest (AQS DataMart)
  • Transition of IDEA to NOAA
  • Smog Blog
  • Integrate NO2 data (in AIRNow Labs or ScienceCorner)

AQS Datamart

  • Access to NO2 from 3DAQS
  • Serve as KML
  • Served through web service interface?

Comparison of NO2

  • NEISGEI web application
    • Spatial/temporal comparison NEI and global emission estimates with satellite NO2
    • Spatial/temporal comparison satellite and surface NO2

RSIG Enhancement

  • Visualize NO2 in RSIG

DataFed-GoogleEarth Visualization

  • NO2 (and comparative analysis output?) as KML, viewed in GoogleEarth

Registration in EIE/ESG

  • Register NO2 data, tools, analysis in Earth Information Exchange and Earth Science Gateway

Follow-up items: talk with data providers and others about project

  • Rich Scheffe connecting with Steve Fine - Glynis Lough
  • Steve Fine - Brad Pierce
  • Jim Syzkman - Brad Pierce
  • NESDIS - Brad Pierce
  • Jim Gleason - Frank Lindsay
  • Kelly Chance (SAO) - Glynis Lough
  • Randal Martin - Glynis Lough
  • Phil Dickerson - Steve Young / Jill Engel-Cox
  • Ernie Hilensenrath - Frank Lindsay / Lawrence Friedl
  • CMAQ (Rob Pender) - Glynis Lough
  • Lynn Chambers - Brad Pierce
  • Discuss with Greg Leptoukh, Giovanni support for this effort - Stephen Berrick

Mid-term Opportunities

  • Connect with EO-1 wildfire OGC interoperability demonstration (Dan Mandl)
  • WCS access to Giovanni
  • Pilot with AIRNow states for NO2

Long term Opportunities

  • AIRNow serving NO2 concentration data
  • Airmap isoprene/surface product (to support drought applications)


  • Regridding service
  • Mapping services
  • Statistics services
  • Describe metadata
  • Monitor location service (for AIRNow)


  • Steve Young
  • Frank Lindsay
  • Susan Lundquist
  • Erin Robinson
  • Glynis Lough
  • Stefan Falke
  • Phil Dickerson
  • Phil Yang
  • John Evans
  • Lawrence Friedl
  • Peter Fox
  • Doreen Neil
  • Karen Moe
  • Jill Engel-Cox
  • Brad Pierce
  • Heidi Paulsen
  • Ramon Olivero
  • Stephen Berrick