Open Science Cluster
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Welcome to the Open Science cluster which aims to develop and build a broad community around open science, yielding a Champions of open science community that is inclusive and equitable. We envisage building a robust community, equipped with best practices and toolkits that are readily translatable, transferable, and shared broadly amongst ESIP stakeholders interested in embracing open science.
Events and Activities2023 OS Cluster Webinar Series begins! Webinars will take place during Monthly OS Cluster Meetings
Meeting Notes
Telecon Jamboard
Get Involved
In preparation for the Year of Open Science (2023), the specific goals will include:
- Gathering knowledge
- Listening tour (NASA is conducting a series of listening tours that we can leverage)
- Identify and assess what already exists and is successful
- Generating resources
- Best practices
- Communication outputs and toolkits
- Standards
- Sharing knowledge
- Lead webinars, toolkits, promotion (at conferences, WGs, initiative meetings)
- Share what makes a program successful
- Share opportunities
- Share best practices with NASA and other organizations
- Clarifying ESIP’s role in open science
- Developing toolkits for organizations that want to participate in open science
This cluster is a follow on to the Community Development for Open Source Science sessions held at the 2022 ESIP January Meeting.