Sustainable Data Management/20200509 telcon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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  1. Review notes and ideas from February
  2. 3 Slides for ESIP Collaboration Area Highlights

Goal: summarize our activities to the rest of the Federation, solicit ideas or members.


  • Megan Carter
  • Erin Antognoii (with NAL, Ag Commons)
  • Ruth Duerr
  • Corinna Gries
  • Shelley Stall
  • Rebecca Koskela
  • Margaret O'Brien (scribe)
  • Bob Downs
  • Philip Tarrant


  • Cyndy Parr


feedback from data stewardship group:

Nice idea, needs some scoping.

  • Use case: someone suggests starting a new repo. asks: what do I need to do?
  • use case: one of the 300+ domain repos asks, what dos it mean for me to be a repository in this community?
  • use case: NSF can use this doc to review proposals for repositories.

knowing that there are defining services, products for any repo: it would be useful to have a set of common featues across all. what are they

how are these differentiated from Core trust seal? (not inventing that) can we guide $$-limited repos on what goals they might want to have/

Bob: paper on the trust principles, high level (no technical details). TO DO: URL, please

transparency (T), responsibility (R), user community (U), sustainability (S) and technology (T)

similar to the FAIR principles. idea behind it: RDA initiative (Philadelphia, WDS cert) -

one approach pick one of these facets (e.t., trust). what do repos have to do to enable that?

what about an index? or checklist? guidelines for implementation

for x see y

identifiers: point to a founding doc

data access: (our paper on tech interop) also something from NASA. when do you want to use an OGC service, when netcdf.

does Core Trust Seal have any recommendations for implementation? not really, unless you are working on an application.

some suggestions that they tighten requirements, did not happen.

Goal should be: a repository is "CTS, TRUSTed FAIR OAIS"

Others working in this space:

- Decide what repos aspects we want to cover, continue scoping

Action Item: - assemble existing material (docs we would link to). (zotero) Rebecca/Shelley -- Core trust seal material: - start a google folder (margaret) - introductory paras for shelley's draft (RUTH)

Chat log:

Megan Carter (to All): Nice to meet you, Erin.

1:04 PMErin Antognoli (to All): My email:

1:14 PMMegan Carter (to All):

1:14 PMTo All:

1:29 PMPhilip Tarrant (to All): Got to drop off. It was good to see everyone.

1:30 PMRebecca Koskela (to All): Bob - is this the RDA group?

1:36 PMShelley Stall (to All): Here's the white paper:

1:36 PMShelley Stall (to All): for TRUST

1:42 PMRobert Downs (to All): Yes, that is the right group and the correct white paper

1:44 PMShelley Stall (to All):

1:49 PMRebecca Koskela (to All):

1:50 PMShelley Stall (to All):

1:53 PMRebecca Koskela (to All): and also this - same name but they don't reference each other datatogether300.jpg