Sustainable Data Management/20200509 telcon notes
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- Access Code: 618-011-013
- Review notes and ideas from February
- 3 Slides for ESIP Collaboration Area Highlights
Goal: summarize our activities to the rest of the Federation, solicit ideas or members.
- Megan Carter
- Erin Antognoii (with NAL, Ag Commons)
- Ruth Duerr
- Corinna Gries
- Shelley Stall
- Rebecca Koskela
- Margaret O'Brien (scribe)
- Bob Downs
- Philip Tarrant
- Cyndy Parr
feedback from data stewardship group:
Nice idea, needs some scoping.
- Use case: someone suggests starting a new repo. asks: what do I need to do?
- use case: one of the 300+ domain repos asks, what dos it mean for me to be a repository in this community?
knowing that there are defining services, products for any repo: it would be useful to have a set of common featues across all. what are they
how are these differentiated from Core trust seal? (not inventing that) can we guide $$-limited repos on what goals they might want to have/
Bob: paper on the trust principles, high level (no technical details). TO DO: URL, please
transparency, user focus, technology, trust, ___
similar to the FAIR principles.
idea behind it: RDA initiative (Philadelphia, WDS cert) -
one approach pick one of these facets (e.t., trust). what do repos have to do to enable that?
what about an index? or checklist? for x see y
identifiers: point to a founding doc
data access: (our paper on tech interop) also something from NASA. when do you want to use an OGC service, when netcdf.