Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2017-05-15meetingnotes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Meeting Notes - Data Stewardship Committee - 2017-05-15 2 p.m. EST / 12 p.m. MST / 11 a.m. PT
- Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
- You can also dial in using your phone.
- United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
- Access Code: 453-694-565
Attendees: Matt Mayernik, Nancy, Rama, Denise, Ruth, Shannon, Shelley, Robert Groman
1) ESIP Program Committee update
- ESIP Figshare portal
- Will be replacing commons?
- Slack
- When should we be using this?
- Recommendations on usage: Official channel?
2) PresQT workshop debrief (Nancy H., Ruth D., Natalie M.)
- Workshop materials:
3) Belmont Forum Data Curriculum workshop debrief (Shelley S., Nancy H., Sophie H.)
- Belmont Forum Digital Skills and Curricula Development Workshop Pre-meeting was held on Thursday April 27, 2017
- Attendees were:
- Fiona Murphy, Belmont
- Vicky Lucas, developed the report
- Rowena Davis, Belmont project coordinator
- Bob Samors, Coordination Officer (CO) for the Forum’s e-Infrastructure and Data Management (eI&DM) Project
- Nancy Hoebelheinrich
- Sophie Hou
- Review of the survey results:
- 164 survey responses; see slides below
- Survey report:
- Pre-meeting discussion on what topics should be a focus for the larger meeting. The question posed was:
- "What world cafe topics:
- Programming
- Computational analysis
- Data complexity
- Data standards
- Data discovery
- Data management
- "What world cafe topics:
- Discussion resulted in focusing on these top three topics as the most important skills to address:
- Discovery
- Complexity
- Workflow (could be an umbrella approach for the full data lifecycle)
- General information in the Belmont Forum e-infrastructure data management project:
- Example of one of the activities that has been completed: 5 Data Principles
- Data should be:
- Discoverable through catalogues and search engines
- Accessible by default, and made available with minimum time delay
- Understandable in a way that allows researchers—including those outside the discipline of origin—to use them
- Manageable and protected from loss for future use in sustainable, trustworthy repositories
- Professional: the implementation of the above principles requires a highly skilled workforce and broad-based training and education as an integral part of research programs
- Data should be:
4) Next steps for Data Rescue document
- Mass media options - might need to be more "opinionated"
- Distinction between opinionated and polarized - media is very polarized. We have strong opinions about the data topics, but they are based on experience, so not “flaming” without knowledge..
- EOS - gets wider audience than just ESSI people
- More reports coming out about data being made inaccessible, even if not deleted.
- Boulder data rescue - several Tb of data, including all EPA data - CKAN instance
- Center for Open Science: working with data conservancy, taking data from "data rescuers" - pushing "rescued" data into repositories
- Science (have to be a member of AAAS for full access) or Nature (open access)
5) Annual Meeting discussion
- DS Committee business meeting organization
- Open call for June telecon
6) Rama:
- ISO 19165-2 NWIP - Geographic information
- Preservation of digital data and metadata
- Part 2: Content specifications for earth observation data and derived digital products
- Will have all IQC related presentations posted at
- Michael Diepenbroek's presentation to IQC on May 9, 2017: