Sustainable Data Management/20160708 telecon notes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- ESIP summer meeting prep
- Poster for Summer meeting (due 6/15)
- Current sessions:
- last month's notes, 2 sessions
- Summary Session:
- plans:
- Summary Session:
- ROI:
- Plans:
- tbd?
- Plans:
- landscape:
- Speakers:
- COPDESS-Re3Data, Registry of Repositories (Kerstin Lehnert, tbd -- Cyndy emailed 6/16)
- LTER, Perspectives from Researchers (Margaret O'Brien, confirmed)
- Data ONE, Perspectives of aggregators (Matt Jones, confirmed)
- Speakers:
- last month's notes, 2 sessions
- Margaret O'Brien
- Nancy Hoebelheinrich
- Bob Downs
- Shelley Stall
- [many people missing, were at earth cube AHM, or other travel this week]
approved by this group - Margaret will submit for printing. One suggestion: tack up a page with the names of our sessions at the meeting, to attract other interested folks.
Meeting sessions
- a fair amount of discussion in this area is anticipated, as this was a common topic at Earthcube AHM this week. NSF EC leadership is very interested in assessment methodologies (although neither Eva nor Amy will be at ESIP).
- We still would like to connect with CDF about connecting our work to theirs. Perhaps specific individuals. However, CDF leadership is turning over: Kerstin, Mohan, Lindsay, Tim, others. Voting is at their ESIP all-day mgt, Friday.
- Landscape/Gap session:
- Action items (Margaret)
- contact Kerstin again (speaker, copdess). DONE - CONFIRMED.
- touch base with Matt and Corinna when they are back in town, as they both had ideas for what products they wanted to see.