
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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GEO 101

The Group on Earth Observations was established in 2005 based on the outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. A few years later, the G8 Gleneagles summit produced a formal declaration calling for a group to address societal challenges through open sharing of Earth observations data and services. This group was designated as 'intergovernmental,' which means that its members are national governments. Agencies within those governments participate through their government principal. Other international organizations may participate, upon formal petition and approval. Still others may simply observe.

GEO has gone through a couple of organizational restructures and governance shifts since it was formally established in 2005. At its core, though, its mission remains the same - make it easy for anyone to use EO data sets and services contributed by Member nations and Participating Organizations, and others. MUCH easier said than done....

At the heart of the governance structure, in any instantiation, is the concept of a 'task.' No matter how the work is organized, the task is the core element. At the moment, the list below is in need of oversight by the Programme Board (which I am on on behalf of ESIP). I'd like for ESIP to choose one or two tasks for which they are really jazzed (i.e., willing to put in time, sweat equity, knowledge, etc), and I can take that back to the Programme Board.

Details of each activity are here; more information in general on GEO is here.

  • CA-9 - Precipitation
  • CA-16 - Global Drought Information System
  • CA-5 - TIGGE evolution
  • CA-6 - EO data and mineral resources
  • CA-10 - Evapotranspiration
  • CA-12 - River Discharge
  • CA-13 - Groundwater
  • CA-14 - GEO Water Quality
  • CA-17 - GEO Great Lakes Activity
  • CA-18 - Water Cycle Integrator
  • CA-19 - E2E Water Indicators
  • CA-20 - EartH2Observe
  • CA-21 - Total Water Prediction
  • CA-22 - Linking water tasks with SBAs
  • CA-23 - Space and Security
  • CA-26 - Chinese tsunami mitigation system
  • CA-29 - Ecosystems Accounts Framework
  • CA-31 - Global Mangrove Monitoring
  • CA-33 - Forest Biodiversity in Asia and the Pacific
  • CA-2 - Land Cover for Africa
  • CA-4 - Collaboration between GEO and GFCS
  • CA-7 - Integrated Water-cycle Products & Services
  • CA-8 - Water Vapor and Clouds
  • CA-11 - Soil Moisture
  • CA-15 - Water Cycle Capacity Building
  • CA-25 - Africa Geochemical Baselines
  • CA-32 - Research Data Science Summer Schools
  • CA-24 - EO and Cultural Heritage
  • CA-30 - Harmful Algal Bloom EWS
  • CA-1 - Global Land Cover
  • CA-28 - Global Flood Risk Monitoring
  • CA-3 - Access to climate data
  • CA-27 - EO for Disaster Risk Management

Stay tuned for more information on GEO and other ways that ESIP can contribute. If you have ideas for contributions, or questions, please let me know!!!