From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 17:19, March 4, 2016 by Nhoebelheinrich (talk | contribs) (→Cross-collaboration area connections)
ESIP Agriculture & Climate Annual Plan 2016
- Co-Chair (s): Bill Teng (william.l.teng@nasa.gov) and Nancy Hoebelheinrich (nhoebel@kmotifs.com)
- Website (wiki): http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Agriculture_and_Climate
- Monthly Meeting Day/Time: First Tuesday of each month (3-4 pm Eastern Time)
ESIP Vision
To be a leader in promoting the collection, stewardship and use of Earth science data, information and knowledge that are responsive to societal needs.
2015-2020 Strategic Plan Goals
- Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information.
- Strengthen the ties between observations and user communities (e.g. technologies, research, education and applications).
- Promote techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value and benefit of Earth science data, information, and applications.
- Position ESIP to play a major role in Earth science issues (e.g. addressing effects of climate change mitigation, adaptation and supporting sustainable science data infrastructure).
2015-2020 Strategic Plan Executive Summary
Strategic Plan Roadmap
Agriculture & Climate Plan
Agriculture & Climate Objective:
Things we may do to fulfill our objectives:
- Establish "pipeline" for identification, documentation, and support of Earth Science researchers to develop case studies for the Climate Resiliency Toolkit in conjunction with CRT staff.
- Assist Earth Science researchers focused on Agriculture & Climate, and Energy & Climate issues in learning how to describe some aspects of their research questions and resulting data for broader public communication and understanding. Activities might include, for example, formulating questions that a researcher can answer and in so doing, aid in the development of additional resources to help researchers learn how to transform their research into stories.
- Work with CRT to develop (semi-)automated generation of case studies, with answers to questions as inputs.
- Explore methods to provide incentives for other ESIP or non-ESIP participants to develop case studies that would go into the pipeline. Incentives could be monetary or non-monetary (TBD).
- Sponsor session(s) at Summer'16
- Collaborations with Energy & Climate, Science Communication
- Collaboration with Drone Cluster (NASA drone intern), focusing on data management of drone data
- Sponsor session(s) at Winter'17 Meetings (TBD)
- Reconnect USDA ARS LTAR, Climate Hubs
Things our collaboration area needs to deliver our objectives?
(e.g. Partnerships, in-kind support, staff support)
- Student fellow
- Intern, postdoc, etc.
- Staff support in science communication
How will we know we are on the right track?
- For CRT "pipeline" - Other ESIP groups initiate use of "pipeline"
- Bringing new members to ESIP (e.g., NAL/LTAR)
How will others know what we are doing in & out of ESIP?
- Presentations at conferences (e.g., ESIP, AGU)
- Presentations at other related conferences (e.g., agriculture, climate)
Cross-collaboration area connections
(Identify other areas that you consider cross collaboration. Are there things that you need us to provide in support the cross collaboration?)
- Drone Cluster - explore how we can learn more about the data management issues related to drone-captured data.
- Energy & Climate - continue to work together to develop a pipeline for CRT case studies
- Science Communication - collaborate on the Science Communication workshop planned for Summer ESIP, if appropriate
- Education - find opportunities to help educate ESIP members about how to tell stories and inform the public on Ag/Climate related issues.
- We will look into collaborating with AGU's Science Education group.
- We will explore whether any kind of incentive or awards program for potential contributors of case studies could be developed jointly between CRT and ESIP.
- We will plan to work with Rebecca Fowler to communicate any data-related issues on the ESIP / AGU Data blog. For example, once we've come up with a good template, perhaps we could contribute a piece to this blog on the "ESIP Pipeline to a CRT Case Study"; would be a good ad!