
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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ESIP Collaboration Area Strategic Plan 2016

  • Co-Chair (s): Richard Eckman (Richard.S.Eckman@nasa.gov), Erica Zell (zelle@battelle.com)
  • Website (wiki):
  • Monthly Meeting Day/Time:

ESIP Vision

To be a leader in promoting the collection, stewardship and use of Earth science data, information and knowledge that are responsive to societal needs.

2015-2020 Strategic Plan Goals

  • Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information.
  • Strengthen the ties between observations and user communities (e.g. technologies, research, education and applications).
  • Promote techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value and benefit of Earth science data, information, and applications.
  • Position ESIP to play a major role in Earth science issues (e.g. addressing effects of climate change mitigation, adaptation and supporting sustainable science data infrastructure).

Resources: 2015-2020 Strategic Plan Executive Summary
Strategic Plan Roadmap

Collaboration Area Plan

1. Group on Earth Observations (GEO) energy work plan coordination

The GEO 2016 work plan includes a task advancing Earth observation data in support of renewable energy resources (GI-10). The ESIP Energy & Climate working group will serve as a coordination venue for activities occurring within Federal agencies and academia that connect data providers with renewable energy decision makers. The goal is to improve communication between data provider and applications groups involved in energy end-user support and to jointly support contributions to GEO.

2. Engagement with the Agriculture and Climate Cluster

Building on successful joint meeting sessions and projects relating to climate resilience and contributions to the US Climate Resilience Toolkit, we will continue collaborations in activities which are of interest to both groups. Potential areas of future collaboration include agiclimatology, where the use of energy and meteorological measurements have improved crop yield models.

3. Improved access to energy-relevant Earth observations

An activity supporting the GEO Architectural Implementation Pilot (AIP-8) activity, supported by NASA, have the goal of moving a well-established database of key energy and meteorological parameters (NASA SSE, https://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/sse/) into modern formats with GIS access. We will explore collaborations with other ESIP clusters in leveraging the expertise of the community in providing innovative ways of providing access to these and other energy-relevant Earth observation data.

4. End-user engagement and education

Following up on a soon to be conducted Energy management ideation workshop supported by NASA (April 2016), we would like to continue engaging key end-users and stakeholders with an aim to understand their Earth observation needs and to inform them of what types of measurements are potentially available to address their decision making needs. The two ESIP meetings and telecons would provide a venue for these activities.

Establish collaborations with other ESIP

Collaboration Area Objective:

Things we may do to fulfill our objectives:

Things our collaboration area needs to deliver our objectives?

(e.g. Partnerships, in-kind support, staff support)

How will we know we are on the right track?

How will others know what we are doing in & out of ESIP?

Cross-collaboration area connections

(Identify other areas that you consider cross collaboration. Are there things that you need us to provide in support the cross collaboration?)