P&S Telecon - January 20, 2015
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- Erin Robinson, Ken Keiser, Nancy Hoebelheinrich , Shirley Baros, Ethan Davis, Christine white
- Introductions
- What is Products & Services?
- Plans and Ideas for 2015
Plans and Ideas for 2015
RFPs April and October
New Initiatives for Types of Testbed Projects:
NDS hosting possibilities
- Hosting, and support for relevant data tools - access to Irods, other preconfigured community data tools, and build on top of that. Trying to attach python-based analysis to data is a particular area of interest…
- NDS-Share - things that are published through the lab are shared publicly, and then user community can give feedback on how they are used.
NASA AIST integration - http://esto.nasa.gov/info_technologies_aist.html
Interoperability with the EarthCube Testbed
- Milestone list for ECT working group
Members have tools/research projects - use Testbed as a way to get it out to the ESIP Community
- I.e,. per Shirley at EDAC, they’d like to contribute - posters, projects - to receive feedback too
- Doesn't have to be a funded effort - can be a testbed effort
- Can be a response to our RFP, or can be an ad-hoc effort (mechanism for unsolicited way to plug in)
- Mention hackathon as a tool in RFP (see "Hackathon" Section below)
- Think about what types of feedback/artifacts you'd want to elicit from the group
How to support cross-cluster integration?
- Register projects in ToolMatch?
- Encourage good coding practices, per the Science Software Cluster? i.e., can work with testbed projects to document their software
- http://testbed.esipfed.org/forum - using the forum as pairing /finding partnerships mechanism - matching between clusters/individuals/ideas?
How to get better feedback/support on projects?
- Better advertising of what the Projects are to the ESIP Community
- Links to forms, where feedback can be given
- Keeping track of what's been funded/out there
- Wiki table on the P&S page
Sponsor a Hackathon where services could be available, and ESIP members can call in/work on to give feedback
- Rant and Rave-ish, but from an innovation perspective
- In-between Summer/Winter meetings (twice a year)
- Coordinate with IT&I, but open it up
- Content/format:
- Can be a demo, or just going over their poster/slides - ala Semantic Web expo
- Or, like Mozilla virtual hackathon - regional meetups too; Boulder, SoCal, DC
- Webcams, etherpads
- Online aspect
- Separate meeting - 20 people in a more technical meeting before ESIP or AGU, etc. - face to face hackathon
- Do in conjunction with Poster session - already free food & drinks
- "Hackathon" - coding, working with data, etc. - what is it?
- How is it coordinated: Does this group decide what will happen, or do members decide, or Testbed projects decide, or…?
- Propose a hackathon by coming to P&S calls
- Have tools/templates for hackathon-proposers so they are well supported
- Mini-testbeds - funds for food/etc. for sites that host one; P&S could be selective/targeted on which ones get this funding
- Innovation is always a key criteria
- First one in May?
- Session at the ESIP Meetings?
Exposing/Adopting Technology
- Get projects into an innovations phase, to get tech out to the community - define how to move beyond the Testbed
What types of sessions do we need to think about for the ESIP Summer/Winter Meeting?
Next Meeting
P&S Telecon - February 17th, 2015, 11 Pacific
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