NetCDF-CF File Examples for Satellite Swath Data
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 21:28, May 1, 2013 by Ajelenak (talk | contribs) (Ajelenak moved page NetCDF-CF File Examples With Satellite Swath Data to NetCDF-CF File Examples for Satellite Swath Data)
The following CDL represents an example of the structure of a GHRSST Level 2P file for an SST data set derived from the Sentinel-3A Sea and Land Surface Temperature (SLSTR) data set. Its straight from the GHRSST Data Processing Specification version 2
The dimensions ni and nj represent the satellite across and along track coordinates respectively. Other important variables are time, lon, lat for positioning satellite observations/information found in the sea_surface_temperature, sst_dtime, sses_bias, sses_standard_deviation, and quality_level variables (and others).
netcdf l2p { dimensions: ni = 1760; nj = 40000; time = 1; variables: float lat(nj, ni) ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:valid_min = -90. ; lat:valid_max = 90. ; lat:comment = "Geographical coordinates, WGS84 datum" ; float lon(nj, ni) ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:valid_min = -180. ; lon:valid_max = 180. ; lon:comment = "Geographical coordinates, WGS84 datum" ; int time(time); time:long_name = "reference time of SST file"; time:units = "seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00"; time:comment = "Includes leap seconds since 1981" ; short sea_surface_temperature(time, nj, ni); sea_surface_temperature:long_name = "sea surface skin temperature"; sea_surface_temperature:standard_name = "sea_surface_skin_temperature"; sea_surface_temperature:units = "kelvin"; sea_surface_temperature:add_offset = 290.0; sea_surface_temperature:scale_factor = 1.0e-3; sea_surface_temperature:valid_min = -32767s; sea_surface_temperature:valid_max = 32767s; sea_surface_temperature:_FillValue = -32768s; sea_surface_temperature:coordinates = "lon lat"; sea_surface_temperature:comment = "Skin temperature of the ocean"; short sst_dtime (time, nj, ni); sst_dtime:long_name = "time difference from reference time"; sst_dtime:units = "second"; sst_dtime:add_offset = 0s; sst_dtime:scale_factor = 1s; sst_dtime:valid_min = -32767s; sst_dtime:valid_max = 32767s; sst_dtime:_FillValue = -32768s; sst_dtime:coordinates = "lon lat"; sst_dtime:comment = "Variable time plus sst_dtime gives seconds after 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1981"; byte sses_bias (time, nj, ni); sses_bias:long_name = "SSES bias estimate"; sses_bias:units = "kelvin"; sses_bias:add_offset = 0.0; sses_bias:scale_factor = 0.02; sses_bias:valid_min = -127b; sses_bias:valid_max = 127b; sses_bias:_FillValue = -128b; sses_bias:coordinates = "lon lat"; sses_bias:comment = "Estimated bias as described at"; byte sses_standard_deviation (time, nj, ni); sses_standard_deviation:long_name = "SSES standard deviation"; sses_standard_deviation:units = "kelvin"; sses_standard_deviation:add_offset = 1.27; sses_standard_deviation:scale_factor = 0.01; sses_standard_deviation:valid_min = -127b; sses_standard_deviation:valid_max = 127b; sses_standard_deviation:_FillValue = -128b; sses_standard_deviation:coordinates = "lon lat"; sses_standard_deviation:comment = "Estimated standard deviation as described at"; byte dt_analysis (time, nj, ni); dt_analysis:long_name = "deviation from SST reference climatology"; dt_analysis:units = "kelvin"; dt_analysis:add_offset = 0.; dt_analysis:scale_factor = 0.1; dt_analysis:valid_min = -127b; dt_analysis:valid_max = 127b; dt_analysis:_FillValue = -128b; dt_analysis:coordinates = "lon lat"; dt_analysis:comment = "Reference is GHRSST L4 OSTIA"; byte wind_speed (time, nj, ni); wind_speed:long_name = "10m wind speed"; wind_speed:standard_name = "wind_speed"; wind_speed:units = "m s-1"; wind_speed:height = "10 m"; wind_speed:add_offset = 25.4; wind_speed:scale_factor = 0.2; wind_speed:valid_min = -127b; wind_speed:valid_max = 127b; wind_speed:_FillValue = -128b; wind_speed:coordinates = "lon lat"; wind_speed:sources = "ECMWF_A"; wind_speed:comment = "These wind speeds were created by the ECMWF and represent winds at 10 metres above the sea surface."; byte wind_speed_dtime_from_sst (time, nj, ni); wind_speed_dtime_from_sst :long_name = "time difference of wind speed measurement from sst measurement"; wind_speed_dtime_from_sst:units = "hour"; wind_speed_dtime_from_sst:add_offset = 12.7; wind_speed_dtime_from_sst:scale_factor = 0.1; wind_speed_dtime_from_sst:valid_min = -127b; wind_speed_dtime_from_sst:valid_max = 127b; wind_speed_dtime_from_sst:_FillValue = -128b; wind_speed_dtime_from_sst:coordinates = "lon lat"; wind_speed_dtime_from_sst:comment = "The hours between the wind speed measurement and the SST observation using variable sst_dtime as the reference"; byte sea_ice_fraction(time, nj, ni); sea_ice_fraction:long_name = "sea ice fraction"; sea_ice_fraction:standard_name = "sea_ice_area_fraction"; sea_ice_fraction:units = "1"; sea_ice_fraction:add_offset = 0.; sea_ice_fraction:scale_factor = 0.01 ; sea_ice_fraction:valid_min = 0b; sea_ice_fraction:valid_max = 100b; sea_ice_fraction:_FillValue = -128b; sea_ice_fraction:coordinates = "lon lat"; sea_ice_fraction:sources = "ECMWF_A"; sea_ice_fraction:comment = "Fractional sea ice cover from the ECMWF_A ice product"; byte sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst (time, nj, ni); sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst :long_name = "time difference of sea ice fraction measurement from sst measurement"; sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst:units = "hour"; sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst:add_offset = 0.; sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst:scale_factor = 0.1; sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst:valid_min = -127b; sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst:valid_max = 127b; sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst:_FillValue = -128b; sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst:coordinates = "lon lat"; sea_ice_fraction_dtime_from_sst:comment = “The hours between the sea ice measurement and the SST observation using variable sst_dtime as the reference"; byte aerosol_dynamic_indicator(time, nj, ni); aerosol_dynamic_indicator:long_name = "aerosol dynamic indicator"; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:units = " "; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:_FillValue = -128b; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:add_offset = 0.; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:scale_factor = 1.; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:valid_min = -127b; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:valid_max = 127b; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:coordinates = "lon lat"; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:sources = "SDI"; aerosol_dynamic_indicator:comment = "Estimate of the potential for aerosol contamination based on the SDI product "; byte adi_dtime_from_sst(time, nj, ni); adi_dtime_from_sst:long_name = "time difference of ADI data from sst measurement"; adi_dtime_from_sst:units = "hour"; adi_dtime_from_sst:_FillValue = -128b; adi_dtime_from_sst:add_offset = 0.; adi_dtime_from_sst:scale_factor = 0.1; adi_dtime_from_sst:valid_min = -127b; adi_dtime_from_sst:valid_max = 127b; adi_dtime_from_sst:coordinates = "lon lat"; adi_dtime_from_sst:comment = "The hours between the aerosol measurement and the SST observation using variable sst_dtime as the reference"; short l2p_flags(time, nj, ni); l2p_flags:long_name = "L2P flags"; l2p_flags:coordinates = "lon lat"; l2p_flags:valid_min = 0s; l2p_flags:valid_max = 65535s; l2p_flags:flag_meanings = "microwave land ice lake river reserved_for_future_use no_retrieval N2_retrieval N3R_retrieval N3_retrieval D2_retrieval D3_retrieval cloud sun_glint cosmetic_fill validation"; l2p_flags:flag_masks = 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s, 512s, 1024s, 2048s, 4096s, 8192s, 16384s, 32768s ; l2p_flags:comment = "These flags can be used to further filter data variables"; byte quality_level (time, nj, ni); quality_level:long_name = "SST measurement quality" ; quality_level:coordinates = "lon lat" ; quality_level:_FillValue = -128b; quality_level:valid_min = 0b; quality_level:valid_max = 5b; quality_level:flag_meanings = "no_data bad_data worst_quality low_quality acceptable_quality best_quality"; quality_level:flag_values = 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b; quality_level:comment = " These are the overall quality indicators and are used for all GHRSST SSTs"; byte satellite_zenith_angle(time, nj, ni) ; satellite_zenith_angle:long_name = "satellite zenith angle" ; satellite_zenith_angle:standard_name = " zenith_angle"; satellite_zenith_angle:units = "angular_degree" ; satellite_zenith_angle:_FillValue = -128b ; satellite_zenith_angle:add_offset = 0. ; satellite_zenith_angle:scale_factor = 1. ; satellite_zenith_angle:valid_min = -90b ; satellite_zenith_angle:valid_max = 90b ; satellite_zenith_angle:coordinates = "lon lat" ; satellite_zenith_angle:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ; satellite_zenith_angle:comment = “The satellite zenith angle at the time of the SST observations; Optional L2P field” ; // global attributes: :Conventions = "CF-1.4"; :title = "SENTINEL-3A SLSTR L2P product"; :summary = "The L2P product for the Sentinel-3A mission. This data set is the follow-on the ATSR-1, ATSR-2, and AATSR series of instruments dating back to 1991."; :references = ""; :institution = "ESA"; :history = "processor XXX.YY"; :comment = "SST from Sentinel-3A"; :license = "These data are available free of charge under the GMES data policy."; :id = "SLSTR-EUR-L2P-Sentinel3A-v1"; :naming_authority = "org.ghrsst"; :product_version = "1.0"; :uuid = "D7A88FA8-7421-4039-807C-B551D638EDC6"; :gds_version_id = "2.0"; :necdf_version_id = "4.1"; :date_created = "20100201T120000Z"; :file_quality_level=1; :spatial_resolution = "1 km"; :start_time = "20100131T001223Z"; :time_coverage_start = "20100131T001223Z"; :stop_time = "20100131T001418Z"; :time_coverage_end = "20100131T001418Z"; :northernmost_latitude = 85.; :sourthenmost_latitude = -85.; :westernmost_longitude = -180.; :easternmost_longitude = 180.; :source = "S3A_SLSTR OSTIA ECMWF_A"; :platform = "SENTINEL_3A"; :sensor = "SLSTR"; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Observation Dataset v1.0"; :metadata_link = ""; :keywords = "Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature"; :keywords_vocabulary = "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords"; :standard_name_vocabulary = "NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention"; :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees north"; :geospatial_lat_resolution = "0.01"; :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees east"; :geospatial_lon_resolution = "0.01"; :acknowledgment = "Please acknowledge the use of these data with the following statement: These data were provided by GHRSST and its European Regional Data Assembly Center"; :creator_name = "European Space Agency"; :creator_email =""; :creator_url = ""; :project = "Group for High Resolution SST"; :publisher_name = "GHRSST Project Office"; :publisher_url =""; :publisher_email =""; :processing_level = "L2P"; :cdm_data_type = "swath"; }