From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
ESSI Linked Open Data (Eric and Tom)
- Meeting upcoming with AGU, hopefully more to present next month ==
- thinking about long term AGU hosting, also applicable to ESIP
- looking at Callimachus, Amazon Web Svcs
- some ideas from Wood on how to expose LOD to end users
Ontology repository testbed via Products and Svcs (Line)
- use of BioPortal (Stanford) to port SWEET, then data
- but also need for ESIP ontology
- use core implementation on cluster
- first try private cloud environ
- have ESIP contribute into it
- then maybe look at Amazon Web Services
- better to have our own instance vs. using the Stanford one
- can develop new ontologies/concepts, extend existing ones
- also possible to come in to add annotations, registering projects
- would be nice to add extensions to SWEET ontology
- funded under P&S testbed
- perhaps some coord with cloud cluster (Ken Keiser / Phil Yang)
- Does BioPortal expose SPARQL endpoints?
ToolMatch (Chris)
What to use for identifiers?
- Brian: allow all schemes (URLs, synthetic URIs)
- Eric: dereferencible linked data URI; could be any RDF format; use properties for dataset (e.g., metadata about the dataset that says it's WMS accessible)
- Chris: also include key metadata, like GCMD required fields for example
- Chris: Action Item: start sending examples for inferences
How to publish
- BioPortal? Web accessible URL?
- Hook: SPARQL endpoint needs to (eventually) support CRUD. SPARUL (SPARQL 1.1 Update).
- Semantic Technology Symposium
- presented "Semantic Standards and Methodology in Earth Science Data Systems"
- advertise NASA ESDSWG and ESIP Federation
- Technology Infusion Process
- Semantic hype cycle analysis
- Semantic roadmaps
- Interoperability Readiness Levels
- Some relevant ontologies (e.g. SWEET, W3C PROV-O, OPMO)
- Semantic infusion examples
- ESSI-LOD, Multi-sensor Climate Data Provenance (JPL), Data Quality Screening Service (GSFC) , OPeNDAP/RDF, Semanticc Sea Ice Interoperability Initiatives (NSIDC), Linking Earth and Climate Science for Data Discovery (ORNL)
- vision for DoD Solution Architectures includes 3 things:
- Cloud. big data.
- Semantics
- other speakers includes:
- MarkLogic on unstructured data management, discovery, and access.
- IBM Watson
- Lockheed Martin on enterprise semantic-driven decision support situational awareness.
- PNNL on case-based reasoning and data analysis
- presented "Semantic Standards and Methodology in Earth Science Data Systems"
- Government-to-government semantic meeting at Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Command's System Center Atlantic (SPAWAR)
- Surprised at how much further along DOD is in semantic tech infusion; reduces cost and risk
- Used in areas from intel to payroll
- Top brass aware of Semantics
- Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) for Department of Defense (DoD), has memo requiring direct infusion of semantic technologies into the DoD Architect Framework (DoDAF). Deputy reports to the Deputy Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon.
- The memo explicitly mentions using W3C RDF, OWL, BPMN SOA.
- DCMO advocated less on rigid models and more on unstructured RDF graphs. long-term costs savings.
- Surprised at how much further along DOD is in semantic tech infusion; reduces cost and risk
ESIP Meeting Sem Web sessions: Innovation, esp. Community Leadership
- Due by March 31!
- Hook: explore newer innovations