ESIP Education Committee Meeting Agenda for 2-16-11.doc
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Download the agenda:
How's it going? What's going on in your educational world?
New Funding? Cutbacks? New Projects? What are you working on? What are you learning?
What does ESIP Ed do? Helping ESIP build a portfolio of ESIP Activities
What do we want to do? Setting ESIP Ed. projects for 2012
Possible ESIP Ed. Goals for 2012 to discuss:
- Clearly define what we do. What is our purpose? How do we serve ESIP? How do we help ESIP members educate students and the general public?
- Facilitate virtual participation in ESIP meetings.
- Monthly (Quarterly?) Educational webinars: tools? cluster showcase?
- Teacher Wiki working in Drupal and in use by teachers and ESIP educators
- Create internal education “Menu” of what ESIP Education can do
- Workshop: Technology Tools for Education and Communication Summer meeting? Winter?
- Test and review other collaboration platforms. Offer our “educator's opinion” of the different platforms. This could be a long process.)
Becky 12:14, 15 February 2012 (MST)