Climate Education Working Group
The Climate Change Education Working Group is a new intitative by the Education Committee. Check back to watch the development of this space. Register in the ESIP wiki and click on the "watch" tab to be notified of ongoing events.
BackgroundDuring the September 2010 telcon the ESIP Education committee unanimously agreed to form a Climate Change Education Working Group (CCEWG) to support members climate education initiatives such as TERC's CLEAN-NE and CLEAN Pathway projects, several NASA GCCE projects, and the NOAA Climate Stewards program. This initiative commenced at the 2011 Winter meeting. File:CCEWG Expert Panel Presentations ESIP 2011.pdfNotes from Winter MeetingMargaret Mooney:
Becky Reid:
Group decided that Margaret Mooney, Tamara Ledley & Becky Reid would share the position. “Committee couch”.
Discussion: Sylvia Quinton:
Tamara Ledley:
Dave Jones:
Frank Niepold:
Proposal: Uber-interface with full capability of federal government to help people find centers of federal agencies (such as forestry, EPA, NOAA, NASA, USDA, etc.) for collaboration. Becky Reid:
John Moore:
Amanda Horwitz:
Ed Geary:
Tamara Ledley:
Frank Niepold:
Tamara Ledley:
Tom Moritz:
Becky Reid:
Frank Niepold:
Nina Jackson:
Oct 27th Telcon recap:
Telcon participants decided that a moderated round table would be a good format for the CCEWG bellwether gathering which will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday, January 4th 2011. Invitations will go out to experts from several ESIP member organizations, including but not limited to NASA, NOAA, GLOBE, EPA, NSF, CLN and GLOBE. To focus and scope the discussion we will be developing questions prior to the winter meeting via the ESIP Education listserve, ensuing telcons, and this Wiki. ESIP members are encouraged to propose discussion topics and pre-workshop focus questions below. Nov 18th Telcon update: This event will kick-off with a 90 minute panel-led town hall meeting to establish common ground around what our mission might encompass. We currently have confirmation from Lin Chambers (NASA GCCE), Nina Jackson (NOAA/NESDIS), Ed Geary (GLOBE), Dave Campbell (NSF), LuAnn Dahlman (NOAA Climate Program Office) and Tamara Ledley (Climate Literacy Network), with other invitations pending. Expert panel members have been asked to consider the following questions: 1) What do you see as the greatest challenge to climate change education? 2) How can the ESIP Federation best serve your agency and/or project in climate related education goals? Arrangements are being made for telephone access to the first 90 minutes of this working group meeting. After a break we'll reconvene to set a course of action for 2011.
Possible CCEWG Round Table Discussion Topics & Focus Questions:
1) Setting up a Speakers' Bureau? (climate scientists available to give talks) [-Alan G] 2) There are two areas that input from a broad spectrum of climate scientists is needed. 1) The first is to provide expert scientific review of educational materials addressing climate science. As climate science is such an interdisciplinary topic this requires access to a very wide range of expertise. The ESIP Federation - through its wide diversity in expertise in Earth science is positioned to be able provide this expert scientific review by identifying the appropriate members. This is a current need of the CLEAN Pathway project. 2) Another area is to provide input in the development of climate change education programs around the country that address the specific needs of that region they are being developed for. Through partnerships with funded projects or with climate change education proposals the ESIP Federation could play a role in guiding these projects and providing the specific scientific expertise needed. There are some potential partnerships that we could pursue now. - Tamara Ledley 3) Climate Literacy Network - how might the CCEWG and the ESIP Federation be more involved (contribute to and take advantage of). - Tamara Ledley |