WCS Wrapper Support

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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Support for OpenGeoSpatial Web Services

Contact Developers

Currently the easiest way to get help is to as Kari hoijarvi@seas.wustl.edu who will gladly help you.

Learning about CF-netCDF and WCS

The unidata documentation is a good collection of different level documents.

For general information about WCS and CF-netCDF, WCS Access to netCDF Files is a good place to start.




Configuring WCS server

How to configure the home page and metadata

Hot to put your cube data into CF-netCDF.

Hot to configure your SQL point data.

Programming NetCDF

For Python developers, start at PyNIO home page. PyNIO is supported only for Unix variants, windows has close called datafed.minio which supports most of the functionality.

For C developers, start at unidata documentation.

Mailing Lists

Ask anything in general questions forum. Currently you need to login to souceforge to be able to post. Bug has been reported.

For infrequent announcements subscribe to this list. This is a low-frequency list for project members.

Bug Reporting

Report any issue to aq-ogc-services tickets.

You must login to report an issue. For thsi reason, you may want to contact a developer with email.


As soon as a question is asked.