Services Using WCS

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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This page describes some independent services that use WCS as a data or metadata source.

ISO 19115 Maker

Make ISO 19115 document from a WMS capabilities query.

GEOSS Clearinghouse Registering

GEOSS Common Infrastructure has a catalog for services with ISO 19115 metadata support. Datafed registers WCS and WMS services there.

You can register your own services using this datafed tool:

Register WCS and WMS to AQ_uFIND

Kml Maker

KML is a language to describe things in Google Earth and Google Maps.

Datafed tools produce KML directly out of WCS and WMS services.

KML from a datafed view showing SO4f

Precompiled examples:

Point Demo

Gridded Demo

Make KML with services: live link (slow)