Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/20090812

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Preservation and Stewardship Telecon August 12, 2009


Ruth Duerr, Rama Ramapriyan, Mark Parsons, Bruce Barkstrom, John Moses, Carol Meyer, Curt Tilmes, Rob Raskin, Brand Niemann, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Bob Downs

Fall AGU Planning

Rama Ramapriyan, Ruth Duerr and Rob Raskin submitted a session proposal to AGU (IN21 - Stewardship in the 21st Century) - Tom Karl, NCDC; Martha Maiden,NASA; Linda Gunderson, USGS; Paolo Missier, myExperiment

  • invites abstracts to be submitted to the session
  • notes there are additional AGU Informatics (data stewardship) sessions that are of interest

Other activities at AGU

  • Town Hall (Rob Raskin)
  • September 3 deadline, 100 Word Abstract with list of convenors
  • need specific topic for Town Hall (e.g. Workshop Report: State of Provenance)
  • determine what we would need to get out of it (e.g. Cluster advertisement/recruitment; traditional scientist feedback) - Goals?
  • educational session
  • Martha Maiden could speak on interagency efforts
  • publishing and referencing of data sets in research (Action: Mark Parsons to check with Bernard Minster regarding status of AGU committee's new guidelines data citation)
  • Convenors - Rob Raskin, Ruth Duerr, Bernard Minster? (up to 4 total; possibly jointly with AGU)
  • Email info regarding the Town Hall to the listserv

Summer Meeting Recap

  • Presentations, where available have been posted to wiki
  • Annotated outline of workshop posted to wiki
  • Action Items
  • OAIS, USGCRP definitions posted
  • 2-pager on successes & failures - underway