Mumbai Air Quality Short Course

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
This wiki is devoted to the preparation of
Air Quality Short Course
Indian Instiute of Technology Bombay
Mumbai, December 6 and 7, 2012

An air quality short course will be organized by McDonnell Academy Global Energy and Environment Partnership in collaboration with India Air Quality Resource Group and ESIP Air Quality Work Group. The course is intended for air quality managers and members of academia interested in air quality analyses for more effective mitigation of air pollution. A specific goal of this course is capacity building for assessing the nature and sources of air pollution with focus on particulate matter.

First day is devoted to technical topics and to provide attendees with practical, "take home" data resources, tools and methods. Topics include: Air quality data sources, analyses tools and methods; Spatial and temporal patterns; Integration of multi-sensory data and models; use cases for India. On the second day, broader aspects of air quality will be covered: Educational modules, special research areas, international activities. A higher level panel discussion of practitioners will be a forum to highlight the outstanding needs of air quality management. In response to these needs, action items will include charting a three year calendar for collaborative education and research.

Course Content & Schedule

Day 1

09.00-09.15: Welcome & Introduction
09.15-10.30: Data Resources & Analyses Tools
10.30-11.00: Break
11.00-12.30: Surface based networks & observations
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-15.00: Satellites, Models & Emissions
15.00-15.30: Break
15.30-16.30: Combining satellite and surface data with models
16.30-17.00: Summary Day1 and discussion
17.00-17.30: Break
17.30-18.30: DataFed Tutorial

Day 2

09.00-09.30: Aerosol Self Learning Modules and the MAGEEP Aerosol Network
09.30-09.45: Summary report of Day 1
09.45-10.45: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring: Experiences from other countries
10.45-11.15: Break
11.15-12.00: Urban Measurements, Supersites, Special Monitoring
12.00-13.00: Organic aerosol speciation
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.30: Panel Discussion
15.30-16.00: Break
16.00-17.00: Roadmap Discussion

Please use this page for your questions, comments or discussions

Resources andTools

Tutorial modules
Data resources
Analysis tools

Lecturers and Participants


Checkmark.pngJun 30: Course draft Ready
Checkmark.pngAug 01: Registration Open
Checkmark.pngOct 07: Draft Schedule
Checkmark.pngOct 08: Course Wiki Ready
Checkmarkopen.pngOct 19: Final Schedule
Checkmarkopen.pngOct 26: Lecturer Telecon
Checkmarkopen.pngNov 04: Day1 content on Wiki
Checkmarkopen.pngDec 6-7: Course in Mumbai
Checkmarkopen.pngJan 10: Follow up

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