Draft Excom Minutes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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ESIP Federation Executive Committee, June 9, 2011

Attendees: Chris Lenhardt; Bruce Caron; Carol Meyer; Erin Robinson; Rob Raskin; Nette Labelle-Hamer; Annette Schloss; Ken Keiser; Steve Berrick

The meeting was called to order by President Chris Lenhardt at 2:05 pm EDT.

1. Adoption of Minutes
Annette Schloss moved to adopt the minutes as drafted and Steve Berrick seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
2. Post-Summer Meeting Debrief
  • New Clusters - Three new collaboration groups formed Cloud Computing and CF Conventions are new clusters. IT&I decided to form a Drupal work group. Point of clarification, by Rob Raskin, clusters don't need approval, but clusters must tell the vice president that they have formed. Chris expressed potential concern of spreading too thin with too many clusters. Carol said that these new clusters were providing leadership opportunities for members that have not been as engaged previously, supporting our hope to engage more members and diversify. Ken asked what the life cycle of a cluster is? Clusters either become inactive or they evolve to workgroups/committees.
  • Student Fellows - Erin gave the student fellow update. Fellows seemed to enjoy the meeting and were active participants throughout the meeting. The fellows will have a call in the next few weeks. The call will be a debrief of the meeting, discussion of winter meeting opportunities and will also spend part of the time discussing how they can become more involved in their groups. ACTION: Report back on any meeting feedback/general feedback on how ESIP could better support them.
  • Meeting Report - Carol and Erin will be writing up a white paper to capture meeting outcomes. Will be available before Winter Meeting. This report is one of the types of items that will be published in the ESIP Commons
  • Skolr - Bruce Caron reported that the initial beta test of Skolr, digital poster service, was a success. Liked the slideshow by the registration desk. Moving forward this will be another way to engage virtual participation because people will be able to look at posters even if not at the meeting.
3. Retreat Report & Next Steps - Chris gave overview of retreat. It was a 2.5 day meeting called since we are half way through strategic plan and there are some interesting opportunities facing ESIP today. The outcome was a set of vision pillars - where we want to be in 5-10 years (or sooner). There was also discussion surrounding if we continue to grow as we have in an organic fashion or if we are more targeted and strategic. Chris reviewed the vision pillars with the group and the action items/next steps in the coming 6 months to a year. This review was also an invitation for members of ExCom to participate in these activities as well. ExCom reviewed the document and changed language slightly on a few items.
4. Committee Reports
  • Constitution and Bylaws - Rob Raskin gave the C&B update. C&B met at the summer meeting in an interactive session. There are 9 changes to be made. This will be a two part process: (1) for those that do not need much/any discussion there will be an electronic vote; (2) for the parts that need more discussion, those will be discussed and voted on at the winter meeting.
  • Partnership - Annette Schloss gave the Partnership update. Partnership met with Student Fellows at a breakfast during the summer meeting. The Partnership committee is coordinating a session at the winter meeting with the Fellows and has been working on that. They are also working on spinning off a student cluster. Finally, Partnership is looking to define a new membership type for 'associate members' that would support individuals.
  • Others?
5. Winter Meeting Planning
  • Visioneers - Visioneers will have their first call Aug. 22.
  • Program Committee - The program committee is a new committee that will be made of the type reps in order to sort through sessions and ensure a solid program and that we are not over capacity. This will need to be communicated to members quickly because it will take some time to get sessions, review and set up the agenda.
6. Other Business
  • Reminders (Committee Budgets, Vote) - Budgets are due the end of August. FiCom will have a meeting early in September and so will the Board. If you have voted in the partnership election, please vote.

Meeting adjourned at 3:04 EDT.