Summaries of Preliminary Reports for GEO US 0901a

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 14:41, September 11, 2009 by Erinmr (talk | contribs)

Energy Report


  • renewable energy applications
  • Solar energy end-users?

Documents had to include:

  1. Specification of Earth Observation parameters needed by users for renewable energy applications
  2. reference to EO currently in use for applications with indication of adequacy of the parameter characteristics

Parameter Characteristics:

  • Coverage/Extent
  • Temporal Resolution
  • Spatial Resolution (xyz)
  • Timeliness
  • Accuracy/Precision


  1. Catagorized by energy type and region
  2. extracted all mentions of EO parameter information by energy type.
    1. priority EOs are required across multiple energy types
    2. exposed adequacy where mentioned.
    3. desired parameter characteristics also mentioned
  3. Docs that id'd user needs directly were considered primary sources and others were considered secondary.
  4. Noted derived and measured parameters

Climate Report

User types

  • Users interested in understanding science of global climate system to inform decision-makers. Work to characterize state of global climate systems, monitor forcing of climate system...
    • Climate modelers, integrated assessment modelers, international community contributing to IPCC
  • Users engaged in policy at level of regional or national decision-making.
    • regional national gov't

Documents had to include:

  • Applicability to task

Parameter Characteristics:

  • Coverage/Extent
  • # of times cited


  1. document Essential climate variables
  2. OTA Bibliometric methods
    1. Global priorities # of docs that mention EO/total #
    2. Regional # of regions that mention EO/9 total regions
  3. Characterized type of doc International consensus, IPCC, Post-2007 IPCC update, regional assessment, Proposed EO missions, other
  4. observation and docs that ref/ Observation vs. region with docs that ref region and obs in the cell


User types

  • End-users??

Documents had to include:

  • usefulness based on inclusion of specific obs requirements related to earthquakes, landslides and or foods
    • Explicitly id disaster-related EO and contain info regarding desired physical characteristics

Parameter Characteristics:

  • Coverage/Extent
  • Temporal Resolution
  • Spatial Resolution (xyz)
  • Timeliness
  • Accuracy/Precision
  • applicable to what disaster types
  • Type of document


  1. Extracted data into single table: applicable disaster type, region, type of doc and physical characteristics available
  2. Params were aggregated into broader categories.
  3. prioritization method
    1. How frequency observation category mentioned
    2. observations weight was found by disaster weight (1-3 applicable disasters)* doc weight (journal paper =1 -> international consensus docs = 3 the two weights are multiplied for a document and then the sum of all weights for a single observation is the aggregate index value.