Coastal Management
Coastal Management Cluster Session
Below are notes taken from the Coastal Management Cluster presentations at the 16th Federation Meeting, Jan. 4-6, 2006.
NASA Applied Sciences: Coastal Management -- Lawrence Friedl
Coastal Management:
- Goal: enable partner's beneficial use of NASA Earth science results to
- Enhance DSS capability
- Expand and sustain the use of results
Functional themes in Coastal Management:
- Resource Mgmt
- Economic Trade/mgmt
- Emergency mgmt
- Health (public/environmental)
- Coastal change
--REASoN: HAB project - related to Algal blooms
--Numerous evaluations of DSTs and follow-on activities
--Depending on ROSES, may need to direct/fund more projects to jump-start efforts (no coastal related projects in June)
Future Directions:
- Strong model focus & preparation for future sensors
- Themes should remain similar, but bring in new partners
- NOAA: Marine Fisheries, Estuaries
- Coast Guard
- Army Corps of Engineers
- Evaluation reports
- CREWS: Coral Reef Early Warning System (complete)
- GNOME: Oil Spill modeling (complete)
Fisheries projects will be looked at for future. Lots of opportunity to use data
- Modeling in combinatino with observations helps
Gulf of Mexico alliance -- trying to get political buy-in from Governor to go to the government to address the issues
Harmful Algal Bloom Project (HAB)
- Email-based approach
- HAB Mapping System- constant supply of info.
- Provide real-time data for response
- Utilizes products from QuikScat & SeaWiFS, MODIS
HAB Monitoring
- Given 30 day mean, compared to daily images, are there any anomalies? Put in decision tree and decide what needs to be done.
Rapid Prototyping
- Quickly assess, does the data have potential, and if so, move it quickly into a larger project.
Top 5 Priorities
- Five benchmark reports by FY09
- Strong, competitive proposals & teams
- Outreach & networking efforts to inform coastal community and solicit coastal projects
- Models & future Sensors
- Strong model focus & preparation for future sensors
- More NASA Centers involved in Coastal Program
- Significant involvement by >3 NASA Centers
- Activities with broad set of organizations & federal agencies
- National impact through national/regional organizations & their constituents
Want to work with Non-Governmental organizations
Try to leverage the information other groups have
Coastal Mgmt at Stennis Space Center -- Jim Closs
Stennis has primary responsibility to support NASA and coastal organizations.
- 3 separate steps to do this:
- Evaluation - Identify and assess partners' responsibilities, plans, DSTs
- Verification/Validation - Assess accuracy and validity of NASA resources
- Benchmarking - Assess the improvement to resources
Working at a local level doesn't allow for a broad impact, and since most gov't agencies already had ties to local, we moved away from directly supporting localities.