Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2015-11-16meetingnotes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Meeting Agenda - DS Committee - 2015-11-16 2PM EDT

Link to webex:

Passcode: 23138372

Telecon: 1-877-668-4493 Access Code: 23138372

Attendees: Justin Goldstein, Sophie Hou, Denise Hills, Ge Peng, Lisa Raymond, Madison Langseth, Annie Burgess, Mark Parsons, Kerstin Lehnert, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Rama, Sarah Ramdeen, Shannon Rauch, Shelley Stall, Steven Worley, Tamar Norkin, Matt Mayernik, Steve Olding, Terri Killeffer, Soren Scott, David Moroni, Nancy Ritchey, Tim DiLauro, Ruth Duerr, Natalie Meyers, Vicky Wolf


1. ExCom Update.

a. Stay tuned for further information concerning a possible change in the relationship between the Foundation for Earth Science and the ESIP Federation. It is possible that the rationale for the dual organizations was based on a legal misunderstanding. At this time, no action is required from anyone in attendance at this meeting.
b. Summer Meeting 2016 will most likely occur in Chapel Hill, NC. However, as nothing has been scheduled, please do not make travel plans or complete travel authorizations until further notice. The other finalists are northern New Hampshire and Gainesville, FL, although the latter may not be able to meet our IT needs.

2. Meeting Report Out:

a. 2nd COPDESS Working Meeting (October 20-21; Oxford, UK) - Kerstin
i. Link:
ii. International representatives were at the meeting.
iii. Series of presentations, including science reproducibility, policy regarding data, and value of data, were given at the meeting.
iv. One key action items was to provide a guideline or best practice recommendation regarding citation.
v. Software citation was also discussed, and it will be discussed more in detail in the next meeting.
vi. A related topic to software citation that was also discussed was the use of identifiers.
vii. A directory is being developed; a “re3data-like” metadata will be used. There will be a closer partnership between and CPDESS going forward.
viii. With ESIP Winter Meeting 2016 and RDA Plenary, COPDESS is looking forward to being able to collaborate with additional communities.
ix. There will be a COPDESS Meeting at AGU on Thursday evening, 12/17, at 6 PM - location TBD.